celticminx Member


  • Yeah, I'm a lifetime yo-yoer who hopefully has changed her ways. I've been back for about 12 days and looking to get more invested in the weight loss community to keep me on track...aren't we all! Lately I've been doing well with eating and portion control however I'm horrible at consistent exercise. I like to pop on my…
  • I won't brow beat you about your lifestyle, I don't walk in your shoes. You asked a simple question so I will give you a simple answer...no it's not healthy unless you are under the supervision of a reliable physician. Even though some dietary information is quite basic for some it's not for others. When eating too few…
  • I haven't planned a whole weekend but I have done the occasional planned day, usually for a special occasion. I would allow myself to enjoy, if I really wanted something I would have it but in moderation where the old me would have supersized. The only reason I didn't log on these 'special' days was because I had no…
  • Mine will fluctuate depending on a craving. I try not to have a whole day unless it's a special occaision, but I do have a standing ice cream date with my daughter. When we go out I usually stick to the kiddie size or a small if I'm feeling greedy. It keeps me from getting out of control and giving in the the craving just…
  • Both. I listen to my body especially since I'm noticing some changes in my cycle that have to do with my age. I have a habit of getting too lazy and not going back to exercising if I take too much time off from it, however if I'm feeling that bad then I'll give it a miss. Not every month is the same for me right now. If…
  • Day 4 20mins freestyle dance; logged 6049 steps taken
  • Hello MFP land! I'm so happy I stumbled across this thread because I just started exercising 3 days ago so I'll fill ya in. First off I'm really out of shape but then that is why I'm here. Secondly I have a number of regular things I discovered I enjoy doing considering how much I HATE exercise. Day 1 freestyle dance for…
  • You got a lot of responses so I don’t know if you are still monitoring replies, but I just had to give my two cents anyway as it might help others with similar issues. I also have knee issues but I’ve been down this road before so let me share my previous experience. I HATE to exercise but love to dance yet this is still…
  • Funny you should ask because I just entered my recipe! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/recipe/edit/16625291 it will help you get a little power punch of antioxidents along with a great source of iron from the spinach which you can't even taste. I don't care for mine to be really sweet so I don't add any sweeteners but feel…
  • Well hello there boys and girls! I'm brand spanking new to MFP since I just joined. Being a 40+ I got so excited to see this thread! Am I a cool kid? It depends on who you ask. My daughter and her friends think so, but I just think I'm goofy. Cool is all relative anyway. Mentally I’m 16 but physically I feel more like 60…