40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi all!

    Welcome baci ALF!!!! So nice to see your smiling face on here again.
    I am so sorry to hear about your dad and all the health issues he has been having. You certainly have had a rough year. Hoping 2013 proves to be better for you. :flowerforyou:

    Well, I didn't get my workout in yesterday. :grumble:
    To make matters worse - it was probably one of my worst eating days in 6 wks! Need to stop this now, before the holidays actually begin, otherwise I will be a train wreck.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member

    I'm back!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hey Beeps!

    Hope all you cool kids had a great weekend.
    Prayers for the people of Newtown Connecticut. What a devestating tragedy! :brokenheart:

    Had a nice restful day yesterday after another 2 days of being on the road.
    I did have a good weekend overall...despite the bad news that kept coming my way.
    A very dear friend of mine lost her husband over the weekend.He died of a massive heart attack. he had just turned 63. :cry:
    She and her husband both led sedintary lifestyles and smoked heavily. I would get on their cases about the smoking and they would tease me about my running. I hope this is provides a wake up call for my g/f.

    I did not workout at all over the weekend - did lots of shopping on Friday so probably burned some cals there. I did okay eating wise until yesterday and then I totally blew it! Back at it today.

    Brought my stuff into town to workout and I am pretty sure I forgot my shoes. :sad: UGH! I'll see how disciplined I am to workout at home tonight.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    sdereski - very sorry to read about your friend's spouse....hard time of year to lose a loved one. I'm really glad you are healthy and have a love for fitness! I just think it is SUCH a BETTER WAY TO LIVE!

    I *did* manage a work-out, yesterday....but, only because I knew I couldn't work-out, today, due to work xmas functions. It was a pretty long session, yesterday
  • NeverTooLateForChange
    Hi everyone. I am Nicole. I'm 40 and loving it. I am married, housewife, mom of 3 and expecting #4 in July. Im totally a cool kid (see, I said "totally") and am glad to join in. I Just lost 60+ lbs with MFP and still plan on living fit and healthy.
  • mightybooshmoon
    mightybooshmoon Posts: 14 Member
    I am English, is that some sort of barrier?

    Are you kidding? That shoots you up the scale, honey.
  • khall69
    khall69 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm 43 and I want to hang with the cool kids :smile:
  • celticminx
    celticminx Posts: 10 Member
    Well hello there boys and girls!

    I'm brand spanking new to MFP since I just joined. Being a 40+ I got so excited to see this thread!
    Am I a cool kid? It depends on who you ask. My daughter and her friends think so, but I just think I'm goofy. Cool is all relative anyway. Mentally I’m 16 but physically I feel more like 60 which would be great if I wasn’t 47. Well that’s why I’m here. Time to get my life back on track with you lovely folks ;)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    Today, I lift. Today, I fast. Tonight, I'm having a couple bevvies with friends...
  • mightybooshmoon
    mightybooshmoon Posts: 14 Member
    Well hello there boys and girls!

    I'm brand spanking new to MFP since I just joined. Being a 40+ I got so excited to see this thread!
    Am I a cool kid? It depends on who you ask. My daughter and her friends think so, but I just think I'm goofy. Cool is all relative anyway. Mentally I’m 16 but physically I feel more like 60 which would be great if I wasn’t 47. Well that’s why I’m here. Time to get my life back on track with you lovely folks ;)

    I love your screen name! And the "...if I wasn't 47" made me laugh. And I do feel you on that, too.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Welcome all you new cool kids!

    Beeps - good job on the lifting and the fast. Have fun tonight!

    I did manage a short workout yesterday at home - did 1/2 of the P90X chest & back. Man oh man, have I lost my mojo. Just was not into it.

    I'll see what I get done tonight - have much to do. Cooking for yet another funeral. My DIL's grandmother & co-workers mother (same lady) passed away. There have been too many deaths in my little town this past year...too many people I know. Seems I've been doing a lot of writing sympathy cards, cooking for families and attending funerals. :ohwell: Such is life sometime.

    On a more positive note - my cards, parcels are all done and mailed out and everyone should get their stuff in time. My shopping is done - just have to pick up a few books this weekend. Wrapping is done. Baking is DONE! Tomorrow is staff Christmas party and wake...go figure,. Thursday funeral, Friday last day of work! :happy:

    Hope you are all having a great day!:flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    All those funerals! Sucky.

    Like you, sdereski, I sure wasn't feeling my work-out, today.

    But, I got it done. I did end up skipping my last set of push-ups - just had NO gas in the tank! In fact, I am SUPER-tired, today, but have NO reason to be super-tired! Then again, I haven't used my S.A.D. lamp for about 2 weeks....hmmmmmmm.....

    Fast is going well. And, I dropped 2 lbs this week, so that EXCITES ME!

    I don't think I'm going to meet my scale-weight goal for end-of-2012....but, I should be within 3 lbs of it, so, at least I'm within striking distance (I hope). I'm pretty committed to squishing that scale down, down, down, just now - TONS of momentum on the diet front, so I'm GOING WITH IT!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Yay Beeps! congrats on the weight loss. That is exciting!

    I got a run in yesterday! Was so happy about that. It wasn't a long one, but it was good. I was on a tight schedule, so just did what I could.

    Another long, busy day. I didn't stop once I got home. by the time I got to sit with a cup of tea, it was after 11 p.m.!

    Tonight is staff Christmas party, so no workout today. We're having a pizza party at a local pub...I can't eat pizza, but we're also bringing veggies, so I'll snack on those.

    My son and DIL are arriving today for the funeral and will be staying with us. Am looking forward to having them for a couple of days.

    Hope everyone enjoys their day.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Why isn't there a group for the truly old ones?

    Start one!
  • dsimmons107
    dsimmons107 Posts: 387 Member
    I am a 58 year old married father of two wonderful kids and a wife that is keeping pace with me on my workouts. I was 70 lbs heavier when i started this journey. I did P90X and then P90X2 and now Insanity. I think this is pretty good for a well seasoned individual. I will start Les Mills Combat after Insanity. Loves me some martial arts. Lost a lot of pains with the weight. Anyone looking for friends can add me. I am here daily and have been for over 300 days.
  • Desdemina
    Desdemina Posts: 150 Member
    Hi, guys! I've been around for a couple of weeks, but haven't really jumped in on the boards because, honestly, they're a little intimidating! But this seems like a friendly group!

    I'm 45 (yes, a child of the 80's -- I'm listening to David Bowie right now...), no husband, no kids, but a very loving long time boyfriend.

    I got serious about weight loss this time because of arthritis (can I be old enough for arthritis?!) and pre-diabetic insulin levels. So I'm doing it for my health, not vanity this time. Though the improved appearance will be nice!

    Nice to meet you all!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I'm glad that we "seem" like a "welcoming group" - because, perception is reality!

    We really ARE a "welcoming group"!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,001 Member
    I drank 5 light rum + diet cokes! I couldn't sleep a wink! I ate a ceasar salad (no dressing), so my calories yesterday were UBER-low!

    I have a headache!

    It's probably a hang-over!!

    Glad I got ALL of that outta my system!
  • mustdothis40
    mustdothis40 Posts: 45 Member
    I want to join! I just turned 40! I am now trying to lose weight and get fit so that I can look and feel better. Over the last two years, the weight has crept on and I need to get it under control.

    My initial goal is to lose 30 pounds - and see how that looks/feels.
  • leanveins
    leanveins Posts: 53 Member
    Would like to join I am 43 mother of 4 Grandma of 1 so far. After baby #3 I never lost that baby weight and just kept on gaining I eventually lost over 60pounds but in the last 4 or 5 years have gained 30 of it back . Went through a terminal illness with my dad so it crept back on. Now I can't seem to loose it I have been trying hard for over a year but all the old tricks don't work anymore ( since I hit 40). Not sure how cool I am but like reading the thread any way.:smile: