40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • JoannaJoyReynolds
    I am 23, and can't wait to be a member of the 40+ club. You guys rock!!
  • catjrow3
    catjrow3 Posts: 681 Member
    41 here, 42 in November. I lost 80 lbs a couple years ago, and then start bouncing up and down 20 lbs and now have a final 30 to get rid of... Would love to find a way to recommit to it. I have a heck of time with my diet... I can exercise (when not injured) and love it, but the food part is still throwing me. Love a supportive group!! Cathy
  • lorettaasmith
    lorettaasmith Posts: 418 Member
    I just stumbled across this thread! So glad to know there's a place for cool kids to go! :-). I am 49 rolling towards the big 5-0 in March!
  • LCHF4Life
    LCHF4Life Posts: 7 Member
    Hi All,

    I just turned 50! in July. Am getting back into shape after some interruptions ... of about two years. :laugh:

    Used to belong to MFP but had to resign up b/c I don't know what my original SSO was. So I signed in again this week. I want to get in shape for my shiny new decade because I want to be a sexy cougar for my SO and also because I'm starting my own business. Must look good for the customers. :tongue:

    Anyway, nice to be here.
  • fizzy123
    fizzy123 Posts: 220 Member
    Hi I would love to join this group.I've just come across it as it was bumped and love the posts.You guys are fab!
    I've just turned 48 in July and feel so much better about myself than when in my 30's. :happy:
    I'm doing P90X, 2nd phase at the moment and some extra cardio with friends.
  • Luluke7767
    Luluke7767 Posts: 35 Member
    Hey all, just turned 45 and tired of hiding from the camera! I need some good family photos before my teenagers leave the nest! My goal is to lose 30 lbs before a trip to Hawaii in March so I can get some cute new clothes (and I WILL keep it off this time!). Just started JM 30 day shred yesterday... It was way harder than I thought it would be and jumping jacks and my bladder do not get along! Any suggestions for alternative aerobic moves during the jumping jacks?

    Also, what's the 90 day body transformation challenge?
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I had a great long weekend, away! I did get to my cardio-step class on Saturday, but otherwise, did NO exercise. I ate and drank and was merry!

    So, that means I'm back at it, today.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I did hit the weights, yesterday, and am pretty stiff-sore, today - so I guess that was a good thing!

    Today, I'm going to go for a long walk at lunch - it's a beautiful day, here!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello all,

    I too had a busy long weekend - lots of company, so that means lots of cooking for me. I did manage to get in some form of exercise every day and did pretty well with my eating.
    I am fully booked this week with B&B guests, so am up early to get breakfast ready, but not my workouts. I did manage to get my P90X workout in last evening though. Am hoping to get today's done this evening again.

    Beeps - glad to hear you had a great weekend away. Always feels so good to come home after a GREAT weekend and get back into your routine.
    Welcome newbies! Wow! lots more cool kids. :happy:

    Had a crabby call at work this morning from the Ministry of Health. Gee, what a way to put a damper on my morning...but only for a short time. Will just continue doing what I am doing and let the crabbers crab away. :ohwell:

    It my cleanse day today.....here's hoping I survive it! :laugh:

    Hope you all have a great day!!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Hi sdereski! I hate crabby-crabs....and I hope you survive your cleanse day!

    I did go walking, and then proceeded to scarf down TOO MUCH LUNCH.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    LOL Beeps - sounds exactly like something I would do!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I didn't even get a walk in, today....I'm too crammed at work to get what I need to get done before Saturday's vacation.

    Soooooooooooo, I don't think I'll get in a walk tomorrow, either - and for sure I cannot get to the gym.

    Blech. I feel AWFUL.
  • JackShow70
    Great job! Exciting! I am 42 and on a journey to get in the best shape of my life..
  • BSchoberg
    BSchoberg Posts: 712 Member
    Great board! I'm 47, coming back from a rough "injury year" and feeling better, stronger and more committed than ever! (Um, that last would apply to my mental state as well, but you cool kids get that, right?) Found out, at this late date, that apparenly I am a gym rat - we learn something every day, I guess. Love the feeling I get from a good workout and after having it taken away for such a long time, I am relishing pushing myself. Even started running - which is a statement of such magnitude, I can't begin to describe it!

    I think I'll be touching base here - I like what I've seen.

    Great job, everyone!

  • ciobair
    ciobair Posts: 69
    48 according to my birth certificate, about 13 mentally according to my wife :laugh:

    Just started my journey with MFP on Monday and am slowly finding my way.

    Starting weight is 267 and I have no idea what's a realistic target. So, for now, I'm hoping to lose 50+ and to try an dget back into some kind of decent shape.
  • lifescircle
    This is the best thread thus far.
    I'm 48 and loving my body... and will love it even more in 90 days :happy:

    I feel great and it is so true that this is so much better than my 30s... and even 20s. Man! Wonder how great I'll be in the 50s.

    I want that athletic body that I've been hiding.

    I tell you guys, it is so true that you are what you eat. I feel so much better now that I KNOW what I'm eating and can make better choices about food. AND the good stuff tastes so much better.

    We're rocking it!
  • Sherylmarlee
    Sherylmarlee Posts: 224 Member
    I am 42, but try my damndest to never act it! Love staying active. I think my complete goober, witty sarcasticly charm offers an element of coolness, if I do say so myself. :)
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps - I feel for you. I know how awful I feel when I miss workouts...even a walk makes everything better sometime, but I too understand the time constraints of work and trying to get ready to leave (that is usually when I fall off too).Enjoy that vacation though!!

    Welcome new cool kids!!

    Beth - congrats on being a gym rat, and starting to run! WTG!

    Lifescircle - I am going to be 52 next month and for me, 50 was almost better than 40. I am noticing I get tired quicker (damn!) but other than that, I can still run marathons. :happy:

    Sherylmarlee - is that really you girl? OMG! :smokin: I want THAT body!!

    cio - I think 50 lbs a great starting goal!

    Jack - welcome. You will get there.

    I was uanble to get my P90X workout in yesterday. Have B&B guests and they wanted to chat. And chat, and chat. :laugh: It was after midnight before I made it to bed, so I knew I was not going to be able to get my *kitten* outta bed this morning at 5 to get it done. had to prepare breakfast and then out the door for WORK. :tongue:
    I did get a short run in, so I did something.

    Have a great weekend all.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hey cool kids! Where are you all at?!

    Am all ready for tomorrow's Tough Mudder. :tongue:
    Hope I live to tell the tale....they do have sign a Death waiver. For real. :noway:

    Hope you're all doing just fine. :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I hope you had a good time at the Tough Mudder, sdereski - let me know how it went.

    My vacation was awesome. The weather was perfect. We all had a very good time.

    I am trying to keep my spirits up, today, as I return to work.....I really need to find another job, as this one has become soul-sucking.