40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Boy, I had a GREAT weekend. Packed chock full of different family functions, a museum trip, a baptism, and food, food, food! (and little sleep)

    Am happy to be back at work....quite tired, but I'll make it through. And, the gym is CALLING MY NAME - I'll get there at lunch, for sure!
  • lassisar
    lassisar Posts: 14 Member
    I'm so excited. The scale said I lost ten pounds. Now I really feel like this is going to work. I want to lose 20 more (total of 30) as a present to myself for my 45th in October. That's maybe half of what I need to lose, but I need a small, reachable goal to start. I'm loving my favorite piece of cardio equipment at the gym, the arc trainer. (It's like if a stair machine and an old Nordic Trak had a baby...)

    You guys were talking about some workout to avoid letting the body get too used to one thing? How much of a problem is that? I do the arc thingy 2 times a week and a weight circuit, followed by cardio, usually my favorite, of course, three times a week. Is it ok just to switch to the stair machine sometimes? It's 108 today, so I'm staying inside. I can go out and rollerblade in October when it finally cools down around here, but I'm limited to indoor until then.
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    I went ice skating today - talk about a cool workout!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I didn't get my work-out in, today, so I feel like crap.
  • dmchiz
    dmchiz Posts: 184 Member
    I finally got back to my work outs ( kickboxing yesterday, plyos today) even with my snot filled head...summer colds are the worst and I can't seem to shake this sinus thing Ive got but Im determined to workout this week cuz we leave for vacation saturday morning.
    We'll be camping, kayak fishing, and swimming in Minnesota so I'll still get some exercise in but I doubt if I'll be logging in too much. At this point, Im most excited to get away from the triple digit weather and high humidity here in Nebraska!!!! Can you say heat wave -yikes - it's still 94 degrees out right now after 10:00pm!
    Hope everybody is having a good week!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I *will* get out for a long walk over the lunch hour. Period.
  • kvanbenthem
    Nice post! I thought I was doing pretty well on the "cool side"! I turned 48, had lost about 35 lbs with MFP, started running and signed up for my first 5k for a run here in Sept. Previous to that I quit my job and went back to school full time. But I just had a total hysterectomy (the works!) and have not been able to do a thing for 4 weeks now. I am so worried that I will gain the weight back and lose all my endurance. I was so concerned that in my mind I was counting calories for the short period of time I was in the hospital!! and all I was given was a tiny muffin and some cereal :)

    I am sticking to about 1500 cal per day and trying to walk at least 1 to 2 km about 5 times a week. I guess time will tell! If there are any positive and "cool" post-hyster. stories out there I would love to hear them :smile:
  • cpegasus01
    cpegasus01 Posts: 400 Member
    44 in Sept. here. found this website just over one year ago. Lost 25 lbs. holidays rolled around last fall and got out of exercising. Gained 20 lbs back. now I am back on the exercise wagon and it feels great! I love my 40s!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    yes!! I did get out for a (brief) walk at lunch. I will hit the gym tomorrow. I hope to be 100% back-on-track by the weekend. (Summer is always a *bit* tougher to get done ALL of the things I want to do!)
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    i had a great weight-training session, today! GREAT! I'm back at it, baby!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Happy Friday Cook Kids!

    it's been a hectic time since coming back from vacation! Have not been out running yet, but did get a hike in on Wednesday. My BFF came for a visit, and we went on a great 2 hour hike in the rain. :happy:

    Welcome to all the new Cool Kids! Great that we have so many more new faces joining us!
    Beeps - Congrats on the GREAT workout!

    Zali - Hiking the Andes in Peru sounds amazing! Machu Pichu is on MY bucket list!
    Lassiar - Congrats on the 10lb weight loss! WOOT! Fantastic work. :drinker:
    Firda - Ice skating is a "cool" workout. :wink:
    dmc - summer colds are the worst! Are you sure it is not allergy related? I was suffering from a what I thought was a "spring cold" only to find out that it was allergies. I was 35 and had never suffered from allergies in my life. The next 4 years were hell until I finally went on allergy shots. I say they 'saved my life". I hope it's not that, but if you can't shake it, they may be the underlying cause. Your trip to MN sounds like it's going to be a FUN summer holiday - my kind of holiday. ENJOY! :smile:
    Kvan - I had a hysterectomy at 48 and was worried about all the things you are...I have to tell you that I did not lose my speed or endurance and I did not gain weight. When I was able to start running again, I actually came back better than ever and ran a BQ marathon. I also watched what I ate and walked daily for exercise..every day a little farther and I also used the walking poles for some added upper body work.

    Better get back to work. Not sure what my workout will be today, but I sure hope I can get one in. Have been invited out for dinner with friends, so I need to squeeze something in so I can enjoy a glass of wine.....or two. :wink:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    sdereski - yay for hikes with BFFs!!

    I won't get a work-out in, today. That's okay, my little kids return home from their 4 day break with nana/grandpa and we're just going to eat hot-dogs and sit on the couch and watch the opening ceremonies of the Olympics! We are *very* excited!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Beeps-enjoy that time with your kids! Sounds like a perfect evening to me. :)

    I am so upset with myself....I have been an eating machine all week! That would be so bad if I had worked my *kitten* off in there, but haven't done that either. Yesterday, I had a good talk with myself.....stop goofin around! Do I want to get serious about this or not? So, today...I started the day off right....now to just stay on track! Seeing as sugar is my enemy, I am going to have to abstain...but will allow myself dessert one night per week ( when I have my family over for dinner)

    My son and his fiancé have set a date, and I want to look fabulous, not a frumpy mother of the groom!

    Rode my bike this morning...was out for a couple of hours. Great ride. Now enjoying some relaxing time on my deck, listening to the waves.

    Hope you're all having a great Sunday.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    I'm on the "stop-fooling-around" bench, too, sdereski. I'll cheer you on if you'll do the same for me!

    I'm detoxing from bad carbs....I ate ZERO of 'em on Saturday and on Sunday. My goal is to get through at least 5 days of ZERO bad carbs, get over the cravings, and then just SOAR for awhile, without any of 'em. I'm officially in a calorie deficit and I'm hoping to successfully remove 10 lbs. from my frame by my November, 2012 birthday.

    I'm continuing to lift heavy - but have a weeks' holiday coming up (in about 11 days - YAY!), so will have to manage my intake because it's unlikely I'll get any exercise in.

    How does your week look?
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Greetings sorry, I have not checked in. I am back. I have completed Brazil Butt Lift Program 60 days religiously. Body composition improvement but I can not pass the pencil test. I am moving to Butt Bible and lunges and squats. Trying to control my bad snacking habit and completed 2 weeks of low-carb but weekend gave myself freedom. Bad move. Starting low-carb again, this is the only way to tackle 5 pounds successfully due to snaking habits. Wishing everyone a good week!
  • CAVINEE2012
    Hi! I'm Keri. I'm 42 yrs old.I'm battling with losing weight.I use to weigh 150 in my teenager yrs.& now I'm disgussed with myself that I let myself get to this point.If ever you wanna chat let me know.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    Hi bikni! I'm going "low-carb" over the next couple of weeks, too. After that, I want to make sure that my carbs are normal macros (i.e. 35 for me), BUT that they are ONLY good carbs....NO BAD CARBS!

    Hi Cavinee - welcome! You are just about my age and I'm happy to support you in your fitness/nutrition goals!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member

    Beeps - I will surely cheer you on! I have done Isagenix for 4 years now, but the last two years I have not followed it like I did before - only use it when i am in a rush. I feel great on it and lost successfully in the past. SO....I have committed to doing it again properly, which includes one "cleanse" day per week. Today is my cleanse day. It's not a colon cleanse, or anything nasty like that. I drink the juice, can eat a few almonds, raw fruit and veggies (but not a lot) and of course - drink plenty of water.

    I am going to allow myself one "treat" day per week, otherwise I know I will not last. I usually have a family dinner once a week and will allow myself dessert - othewise - NO! I'm not too worried about my alcohol intake and it is very minimal anyway, but on occaisions where i may have indulged a little more, I will limit myself 1 glass only.

    I really wanted to start the P90X program this morning, but just didn't get my butt out of bed in time - but do want to start that. I will continue to run / cycle for some cardio, but cannot let my strength training slide. When I started on here I wanted to lose 15lbs. I still have 15lbs to lose! I would love to lose more, but realistically, don't think I can. I think 140 lbs for my age and height is good. I tend to be bottom heavy, and of course, that is the last place it comes off, so when I do lose too much, I tend to look sickly as my face / neck gets really thin. I want to lose some body fat, but also still want to look good. :tongue:

    bikini - congrats on completing the butt lift program and seeing improvements! WTG. :drinker:

    Welcome Keri! Just jump right in whenever you feel the need to chat, vent, cheer, cry, etc. :happy:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,995 Member
    sdereski, you are officially the 2nd person I know on isagenix! One of my real-life gf's has been on it since November, I think. She doesn't say much about it - but I think she lost about 15 lbs on it. (I don't think she needed to lose the 15 lbs....she's 5'10" and I actually can't notice it one way or the other - but it mattered to her, and that's enough!)

    I've been in the "last 10 lbs" camp for 4 years, now. With heavy-lifting, I was told "the number on the scale" doesn't matter.

    Well, that's kinda true....but, I'm not losing off my butt/hips/saddlebags and that's really where the "fat" is deposited. So, I'm just going to drop the 10 lbs to *see* what my shape looks like! If it looks "the same", then I KNOW - and I won't let it bother me anymore. BUT, if my shape "looks different", then I'll be glad I dumped the 10 lb and I'll have to figure out how to maintain at that lower weight.

    I'm tall, so I'm not convinced 10 lbs will make much of a difference, but I'm *sick* to DEATH of "talking" about it. I'm pretty sure I can stay on the diet for 10 weeks. But, I've given myself 13 weeks, just in case, lol!

    And, it's just an old-fashioned "diet". Tons of water (but, I drink tons of water even when I'm NOT "dieting"). Low-carbs to begin with - and then re-introduction of carbs as the weight is coming off. (I need this to avoid "cravings", etc.....even a week of low-carb makes my belly FLAT!). Plenty of protein. Some healthy fats. Mostly just "calorie-restriction".

    We'll see. It's day 3 and there hasn't been any problem. By day 5, I will feel CLEANSED (at least of all the salt and bloat!). And, by day 21, it's a "habit", right??
  • AggieLu
    AggieLu Posts: 873 Member
    Do I really have to wait 10 years to join your COOL club? You should make an exception! ;)