40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    Good Monday Morning cool Kids!!!! Have a great week.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    I had a good work-out weekend - long cardio on Saturday and on Sunday, I biked 6 km and walked 4 km. BOOM!

    Today, it's back to heavy-lifting.

    I hope you all have a GREAT week! Finish June off S-T-R-O-N-G.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Last night we had the parents-vs-kids wind-up for my son's baseball....was really fun, even though we played the first bit in the rain! He still has play-offs this week....but then it is OVER and we have no weeknight/weekend scheduled kidlet activities. Colour me STOKED!

    I hope to get outside for a brisk walk, today.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    My son won his baseball game, last night, so they are in the FINALS, tonight! It means that I had to move my scheduled hair appointment....which doesn't make me that happy because my grey streak is pretty noticeable - I have my roots done every 3 weeks! Anyway, my stylist is available on Saturday afternoon, so I've moved the appointment so I can watch the play-offs this evening.

    I won't get a work-out in today.
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Congrats to your son Beeps! Exciting for him ( and mom) that he made the finals. :happy:

    Sorry I've been MIA, but have been very busy with our local run (it went very well!) and work. One more crazy day, then I do believe things should settle down.

    Bikini, I so want to see some pics of hat butt when you are done! :laugh: Am seriously thinking of doing it.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    My son's team won the game! And, my son pitched the last inning, so when he struck out the last batter, his team-mates all ran around him and hoisted him up! He was BEAMING - pretty good birthday present for a kid who turns 11 on Sunday!

    No work-out for me, today....I'm trying to flush ALL the water out of my body because FINAL CHALLENGE photos/measurements are TOMORROW. Gosh, I just hope that I haven't disappointed any of the other challengers because I really didn't lose much "weight" on this challenge (but I do think I lost body fat %, which was the overall goal).
  • Woffordt93
    Woffordt93 Posts: 13 Member
    A little irritated. I've been exercising like a maniac, but not able to rip this last 5 pounds off. I LOOK like I'm losing weight, but the scale doesn't back it up. I know it will happen, but MAN am I just a little bit irked...41 BTW :)

    P.S. I replied to the first post on the page without looking at where it ended up, but it's true anyway :P
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hey all,

    Another busy day, but did manage my run.
    I had a crappy day - not work, just other stuff. :frown: Was going renege on the run, but figured I could run some of my frustration out. Glad I went, always am afterward.

    woffordt - my husband & I have been running hundreds of miles - he is fading away to nothing and I am gaining weight. :grumble: I am SO frustrated!!
  • Woffordt93
    Woffordt93 Posts: 13 Member
    Dropped a pound finally:) I'm sure it will bounce back a few more times, but as long as the low end of the yoyo is less than 200lbs., then I am making progress. This particular cycle of up and down has lasted longer than most, but it may be because I am working on my last 5 lbs. Well, I'm off to try the run again before it gets brutally hot. Wish me luck. *salute*
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    sdereski - I 100% agree that when I'm not really feeling "it", I'm always glad if I end up doing my work-out, anyway....it *does* feel so good afterward! Good for you!

    Wofford - I've been working on the "last 10 lbs" for about 4 years, now....so, good luck to you!

    I completed my 6-month fat loss challenge, today. I took my ending photos and measurements. (I haven't done the side-by-side comparisons, yet.) I'll report back when I know the "results". I *do* know that my measurements went UP since end of May (even though I was UBER-strict with June diet)....so, that isn't too great. But, I also know that, overall, my measurements went DOWN since January 1st, so it's all trending in the right direction.
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    sdereski - I 100% agree that when I'm not really feeling "it", I'm always glad if I end up doing my work-out, anyway....it *does* feel so good afterward! Good for you!

    Wofford - I've been working on the "last 10 lbs" for about 4 years, now....so, good luck to you!

    I completed my 6-month fat loss challenge, today. I took my ending photos and measurements. (I haven't done the side-by-side comparisons, yet.) I'll report back when I know the "results". I *do* know that my measurements went UP since end of May (even though I was UBER-strict with June diet)....so, that isn't too great. But, I also know that, overall, my measurements went DOWN since January 1st, so it's all trending in the right direction.

    Beeps. I have been working on my last ten pounds for the last year and a half. I am down 2 pounds and I know the next 2 pounds will be another 2-3 weeks before nailing them down. I am keeping my workout to 6 times a week. Tomorrow is my last day of my Brazilian Butt Lift Program, too big solution and moving to the next 4 weeks, classical solution. I hope I can nail 2 more pounds and hit 105 by end of July. Love this group. Hair appointment to cover gray, loving my age and my body is looking fabulous! :blushing: :blushing:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member

    Beeps. I have been working on my last ten pounds for the last year and a half. I am down 2 pounds and I know the next 2 pounds will be another 2-3 weeks before nailing them down. I am keeping my workout to 6 times a week. Tomorrow is my last day of my Brazilian Butt Lift Program, too big solution and moving to the next 4 weeks, classical solution. I hope I can nail 2 more pounds and hit 105 by end of July. Love this group. Hair appointment to cover gray, loving my age and my body is looking fabulous! :blushing: :blushing:

    Good for you!! That's what Ilike to hear. :drinker:
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    sdereski - I 100% agree that when I'm not really feeling "it", I'm always glad if I end up doing my work-out, anyway....it *does* feel so good afterward! Good for you!

    Wofford - I've been working on the "last 10 lbs" for about 4 years, now....so, good luck to you!

    I completed my 6-month fat loss challenge, today. I took my ending photos and measurements. (I haven't done the side-by-side comparisons, yet.) I'll report back when I know the "results". I *do* know that my measurements went UP since end of May (even though I was UBER-strict with June diet)....so, that isn't too great. But, I also know that, overall, my measurements went DOWN since January 1st, so it's all trending in the right direction.

    Beeps, I too have been working on those last 10 lbs. It is now 15lbs. WTF?!?!? There are days when it's 10 and days when it's 15. I fluctuate like a damn yoyo. My battle has been for the last 3 years.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    bikini and sdereski - I think I *might* just avoid the scale, altogether, for the next 6 months.....that way, when people say, "how much do you weigh?" I can honestly answer: "I have NO idea....and, it doesn't matter what that number says because I'm in good shape!"

    My goals, during this next 6-month challenge (running on JP Fitness Forums from July - Dec, 2012) are:

    1. continue to reduce body fat %. I *did* reduce my body fat % during the first 6-months challenge (Jan - June, 2012). I think I reduced it by 1%. So, I'm going to aim to reduce my body fat % by 2 - 5% during this next 6-month challenge. (I know *more* about WHAT it takes to do that, then I did during the first 6-months' challenge.)

    2. focus on nutrition. I really need to eat ALL of my healthy calories, every day. Avoid binge-ing. Permit "celebration" days.

    3. instead of tape-measuring and photo-ing every month, I *might* aim to do this every week....not sure I'll be able to keep this promise, but I think I'll try. In any event, FOR SURE I'll be measuring and photo-ing every month. Avoid the scale.

    4. focus on getting heavier with my lifts. I think I need to *really* focus on making sure I am EXHAUSTED at the end of each set.

    5. not missing out on "my life". The days/weeks/months are passing by, regardless of what I'm up to nutrition/fitness-wise - and I need to focus on the PRESENT and get out there and REALLY enjoy all of the good things in my life.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Where the *heck* are all you 40+-ers?? I'm mostly in here chatting to myself!

    Had a fabulous weekend....and got back to the gym after a fabulous week off! I did a 75 minute hike, yesterday and I did aboyt 75 minutes of heavy-lifting, today. I started Stage 7 of NROL4W, and it was *quite* different than any of the other stages - more like a circuit. LOTS of reps. LOTS of sets. LITTLE rest in between. Holy crap - it was HARD and I felt quite dizzy and nearly vomited at about the 3rd set. My heart was RACING!

    Anyway, I've mapped out the month of July and I should be done Stage 7 by the end of this month. Also, I've jumped right back into another 6-month challenge (after completing a 6-month challenge on June 29th!)....I'm still focusing on body fat % loss and body recomposition. But, this time, I'll also be focusing on my diet right from the start - consistency will be key!
  • Woffordt93
    Woffordt93 Posts: 13 Member
    Two more pounds! I have dropped weight like a stone during this last small time period. I realize that this will have a bounce back effect. (My weight, according to my historical track will pop back up a couple of pounds once the precipitous drop ends, but it is usually well below my last stall measurement.) I'm right on track again, and am now contemplating what I will do once I reach my hard target goal, as I don't want to drop too far below my ideal weight.

  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Congrats Wofford!

    1. What weight loss method are you using?
    2. What are you doing to make sure you aren't losing muscle, but fat only, during this dramatic weight loss period?

    I'm curious....

    Today is a "rest" day - I'm pretty stiff-and-sore from yesterday's work-out. All good.
  • stephie4111
    stephie4111 Posts: 118
    hi every hope you all have a great day.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 11,997 Member
    Sooooo, I wasn't INCREDIBLY stiff-and-sore, yesterday. But, I SURE AM TODAY! Gack!!

    I'll try and get out for a walk at lunch, just to get some circulation going and maybe a bit of a stretch afterward. Holy hannah!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hey all,

    I'm still around - sorry to have been MIA Beeps.
    I love your posts, so please don't feel like you are talking to yourself on here.
    I have been so tired at night, that by the time I try and comment on my friends' progress, I am too tried to write on the forums.

    Have not worked out in two days. NEED to get one in tonight.
    It was my granddaughter's first birthday yesterday, so we had a little party for her. She certainly was the belle of the ball! :heart:

    Am trying to do a juice cleanse today. haven't done one in over a month and my body feels it.
    I am pretty good during the day, it's the evening that does me in. Keeping my fingers crossed!!

    Wofford - congrats on your weight loss! Great job.

    Beeps, I really need to get that book! Fat % loss and body recomposition is what I need to do. I just have to get a good grasp on the whole diet thing.