Roxytoy Member


  • Great Plan! Well said!!
  • Great Plan! Well said!!
  • I really like the Better Oats oatmeal. You can get a variety that is called "OatFit". It has no added sugar and is only 100 calories. I have that (eat slowly) and I have a cup of coffee with half and half at about 6:30 am. That usually lasts me until about 10. I bring to work with me a fruit or yogurt. Apples give you lots…
  • I agree, I set my goals based on what Myfitnesspal said. However if I ate my exercise calories, I didn't really lose weight very fast. If I want to lose 2-3 pounds a week I had to adjust my daily calorie goal (without exercise) down. So the exercise calories can really be eaten. That way if I don't exercise I am still…
  • Dear Faggirl22- You are doing awesome! Don't compare yourself to other people. Set goals for yourself and try to be honest about your exercise and food intake. Isn't it amazing what a difference CONSCIOUS eating can make? You just dropped the butter off your green beans, dropped a whole lot of fat and calories out of your…
  • Apples are great for fruits though, especially if you need energy. The sugar and carbs in an apple act just like a cup of coffee! Also, those little clementine oranges in the market do not pack a ton of calories, have a good amount of fiber AND satisfy my sweet tooth! Just get back on the wagon LiveLife 73
    in Sugar Comment by Roxytoy January 2011