

  • There is the quinoa grain, which I really like, as you stated. There are also quinoa flakes that make a very fast and easy breakfast cereal. The brand I buy is Ancient Harvest; I have found them at most health food stores and a few main line grocery stores. They take 30 seconds to cook. This is a whole grain, and has more…
  • Those days are in my past, but for me that extreme craving for food was a little easier when I limited salt and exercised more than usual the week before my period started.
  • I'm not over 60, but you gave me a chance to answer that I am too young! :laugh: I am 57, and it is certainly harder to lose than it was years ago. My doctor gave me a couple of reasons why - your metabolism naturally slows down when you get older. She believes I also have insulin resistance that precedes diabetes, and…
  • I cook nearly everything from scratch because I have to because of severe food intolerances, and in general, can't go out to eat. I find some items only at health food stores. I am adding to the database those items I do eat - like the canola mayonnaise, brown rice pasta, and rice milk I added yesterday. I don't think most…
  • I'm not eating all my calories either, but have only been doing this for a few days, and I did better today . For medical reasons, my doctor has told me to eat 5 or 6 times a day, and I have a carb limit lower than this site states. I found today that I do better if I watch the clock, and ensure I eat at regular times.…
  • I found this site two days ago, and it looks pretty good. I am looking forward to a change for the better! :happy: