

  • I had the same problem. I trained for a 5k just using the treadmill, and when it actually came to running it my asthma started playing up from the cold. Last December I decided to take up runing(I'd given up the gym 6mths before) and I had the same issue for the first few runs but eventually even in the snow it doesn't…
  • When I was getting used to the thinner soles on my Nike Free's I got massive blisters, but I just carried on, it was tempting not too but once I was out there it didn't bother me. I'd just go for a short run and see how you feel
  • I have used the c25k app a couple of years ago but only when running on a treadmil, and I found when I actually ran 5k outside it was a lot harder. When I started running last December i just got Nike + and built different types of runs into a plan. I started off just running intervals, running as long as I could and…
  • I run roughly 5k with my Dalmatian at least 3 times a week, averaging about 9 - 10 min/mile, she's doesn't seem to ever want to stop while we're running too be honest, I either let her into the garden for a few mins before or after the run. I run mostly on pavements, and I guess because she doesn't have anywhere to smell…
  • Thanks for all the great suggestions, I ended up going for a chicken Balti and splitting the sides, I went for a run this afternoon and altered what else I are so managed to fit it'll my macros/calories for the day! It is a pretty good placeif your dieting, a lot if the calorie heavy mains only seemed to be that way cause…
  • Thanks for the suggestions!
  • Definitely get some decent shoes.and I would suggest running outside, the first time I attempted a 5k was after just treadmill running and it was a shock to the system! Running outside and building up gradually has really worked for me, would also suggest getting something to track your pace so you don't start to fast and…