

  • "It sounds like the old slim fast commercial" Probably because it is the same concept. These are Meal Replacement shakes. Whether you think they are good or not, and they may not be the "BEST" solution, but it is a step in the right direction and some people need a little push like that. Like me for example. It can be a…
  • People can be so negative. =( You know what I think, take herbalife!!! IT CAN HELP! Regardless of what other people say. Sometimes when you're in a rut you need a little boost. A kick in the *kitten* if I may... I started on shakes as well. Not these shakes but a "fad" diet as they say. Ok, so what if its a fad. At least…
  • OH!!! Not to go on and on but I just found this new app for my phone, MapMyWalk, it connects to MFP so you can track your exercises (There's about 300 different exercises it can track) and it counts the calories and adds it all to your food/exercise diary on My Fitness Pal! I have only used it yesterday to walk for about…
  • Don't forget to record your measurements and weight so you can compare each week! That way if you gained you can go back through your food diary and see what you did differently and try not to do it again! You can get a flexible measuring tape from the sewing section in any store... (Dollar store has them) =)
  • Heyy!!! I'm 28, 5'5, and I'm the heaviest I have EVER BEEN! 282 lbs YUK! =( I'm ashamed, BUT being ashamed ain't gonna do me no good, is it?! =P I just came back to MFP a couple days ago!!! I am more than happy to be your friend! =) I joined a gym and got a personal trainer last week! Hoping to stick with it this time!!! I…