Herbalife - I know the skinny me is somewhere out there!



  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    ........ two a day in place of breakfast and lunch and then you eat snacks and dinner.

    that sounds like the old slimfast commercials..
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    I am not going to say yay or nay it's your choice you are going to do what you feel you need to do and more power to you I wish you luck.

    I personally cannot do the shake system with 2 shakes a day and 1 healthy meal I tried it and it didn't last long it got boring real fast and I gained the weight right back when I started eating 3 meals a day.

    I have often wondered what happens when people do come off of these types of "diets" and start eating actual food again, and it's the same with the weight loss surgery, if you don't plan to change your habits the weight will come back, I know someone who did the lap band and now you'd never know it because of what they were eating and not following a healthy diet and now they are doing the isagenix (spelling?) and I can bet wehn they stop this the weight will come off.

    And on the other hand I know someone who is a personal trainer, she is in shape, eats right, exercises everyday and hard too I might add and she is doing herbal life as well now to I guess help her with the last bit, not too sure need to ask her, but at least she has done the weight loss the best way possible first so she knows how to manage herself eating wise.

    To each their own I guess...@OP good luck on your journey
  • MomTo3Lovez
    MomTo3Lovez Posts: 800 Member
    ........ two a day in place of breakfast and lunch and then you eat snacks and dinner.

    that sounds like the old slimfast commercials..

    exactly...BTW @ekz13 I loved the character Bobby in Supernatural, he was awesome!
  • "It sounds like the old slim fast commercial" Probably because it is the same concept. These are Meal Replacement shakes. Whether you think they are good or not, and they may not be the "BEST" solution, but it is a step in the right direction and some people need a little push like that. Like me for example. It can be a good transition if you TRY to change your lifestyle. Sure many people take shakes and fall off the wagon and don't change. I believe it, I have seen it. That does not mean that they will not work or that you can not change your lifestyle starting off with meal replacement shakes. I started meal replacement shakes and lost over 20 pounds the first few months. Want to know what that got me? Motivation. It motivated me. Now I am going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week and started to see a personal trainer 2 times a week. All because I got that boost from those shakes. I am now watching portions and cutting back on things I know I shouldn't have. So the shakes are working for me in that way. Everybody is different. I hope Herbalife works for you OP. Good Luck! =) You can do it! Try hard and you will succeed!!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    save your money - seriously - and just eat less and move more. Herbalife has absolutely nothing to do with weight loss...the only thing it is cleansing is your wallet...

    get a food scale
    weight measure all your food
    log everything consistently
    walk/workout/run/do whatever you enjoy but try to move more
    do not restrict foods - eat what you like, just less of it
    aim for a 500 calorie per day deficit about 1 pound per week loss...

    ^ all this is pretty much free ...except the food scale which is about 20.00...
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    I've found that products like this really aren't for me, but I know plenty of people who use them. The successful ones accompany the shakes and vitamins with a healthy diet (and a calorie deficit) and don't rely too heavily on the products for their major sources of nutrition. My advice is just to make it sustainable!

    Good luck!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Hi there! Don't worry about what everyone else is saying; it's all about finding a combination that works well for YOU! I have a good friend that began selling Herbalife and so to support her I bought some of the products - Formula 1 shake mix, multivitamin, and cell activator. I've been using them for 6 months now, and I've enjoyed them - I can't say that they necessarily helped me lose weight, because I only drank one shake a day for breakfast, and still ate normally the rest of the day. Now that I've really committed to eating well the rest of the day, though, I think they'll make more of a difference! I also think that if you substitute a shake for two meals instead of just one, that would help too! My favorite shake flavors are the cookies 'n' cream, mint chocolate chip, and pumpkin spice latte (only available October-November, sadly). My friend absolutely loves the products, she's now self-employed with her own health shop in our hometown, and she couldn't be happier! The products can really do good things for you if you make them part of an overall healthy lifestyle! Good luck! :)

    why not just buy a protein shake and use that as your one meal replacement...hell, why even replace a meal with a shake anyway ...just eat REAL food, but a little less of it...
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    Welcome! During the period you will be using herbalife I suggest you read more about general nutrition tips on here. In between all the angry replies you will sometimes find things that will really help you keep it up after the initial fire of motivation is gone. I have never tried herbalife, but from what I know it's some kind of meal replacement shake, right?

    Here is my suggestion: if there isn't a strict plan to follow with that program try to have it only once a day, during your most busy meal and learn to eat reasonably on your own on the rest of your meals. By the time you wean off the shakes, you will be better equipped to handle a healthier diet without any crutches. Totally depending on something that is too convenient may create a shock for you if you ever decide to quit the product. It's a choice to make, do you want to lose weight and learn how to keep it off? (which includes building a lot of your own tricks through trial and error and experience) or would you like to depend on this shake for good? Whatever your choice is, searching and learning and trying is half the battle! Keep it up and don't give up.. and best of luck with anything you decide to try :flowerforyou:
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    exactly...BTW @ekz13 I loved the character Bobby in Supernatural, he was awesome!

    agree! they need to find a way to bring him back.
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    "It sounds like the old slim fast commercial" Probably because it is the same concept. These are Meal Replacement shakes. Whether you think they are good or not, and they may not be the "BEST" solution, but it is a step in the right direction and some people need a little push like that. Like me for example. It can be a good transition if you TRY to change your lifestyle. Sure many people take shakes and fall off the wagon and don't change. I believe it, I have seen it. That does not mean that they will not work or that you can not change your lifestyle starting off with meal replacement shakes. I started meal replacement shakes and lost over 20 pounds the first few months. Want to know what that got me? Motivation. It motivated me. Now I am going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week and started to see a personal trainer 2 times a week. All because I got that boost from those shakes. I am now watching portions and cutting back on things I know I shouldn't have. So the shakes are working for me in that way. Everybody is different. I hope Herbalife works for you OP. Good Luck! =) You can do it! Try hard and you will succeed!!!

    just an observation, if it gets you and others started...great, I don't see how its long term susatinable though, but like I said, if you like it and you don't mind spending money on it..more power to you.
  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Hello OP and welcome. There is a search feature in the community tab that will give you plenty of opinions and information on this topic and any other fad diet, pyramid scheme and MLM you can find related to weight loss. These types are typically frowned upon on this site as so many count calories, exercise and weight train and lose successfully and keep it off. Good luck, but be very wary of anything that has people marketing it.
  • blondageh
    blondageh Posts: 923 Member
    I will NEVER knock anyone for trying a "Fad" diet. You do you baby! As long as your are doing something, anything to get you started. I often jump into something just because I need to follow a plan just to get me going again. Hey, you are excited to be getting healthy. Who cares how you are doing it, it beats getting excited about your next cheeseburger!!! Best of luck, hon!
  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Hi there! Don't worry about what everyone else is saying; it's all about finding a combination that works well for YOU! I have a good friend that began selling Herbalife and so to support her I bought some of the products - Formula 1 shake mix, multivitamin, and cell activator. I've been using them for 6 months now, and I've enjoyed them - I can't say that they necessarily helped me lose weight, because I only drank one shake a day for breakfast, and still ate normally the rest of the day. Now that I've really committed to eating well the rest of the day, though, I think they'll make more of a difference! I also think that if you substitute a shake for two meals instead of just one, that would help too! My favorite shake flavors are the cookies 'n' cream, mint chocolate chip, and pumpkin spice latte (only available October-November, sadly). My friend absolutely loves the products, she's now self-employed with her own health shop in our hometown, and she couldn't be happier! The products can really do good things for you if you make them part of an overall healthy lifestyle! Good luck! :)

    why not just buy a protein shake and use that as your one meal replacement...hell, why even replace a meal with a shake anyway ...just eat REAL food, but a little less of it...
    Ding ding ding

    People are lazy and want any quick fix other than realizing they just need to be eating LESS :grumble:
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    save your money - seriously - and just eat less and move more. Herbalife has absolutely nothing to do with weight loss...the only thing it is cleansing is your wallet...

    get a food scale
    weight measure all your food
    log everything consistently
    walk/workout/run/do whatever you enjoy but try to move more
    do not restrict foods - eat what you like, just less of it
    aim for a 500 calorie per day deficit about 1 pound per week loss...

    ^ all this is pretty much free ...except the food scale which is about 20.00...

    This. People say "whatever motivates you" but you can find motivation in many different ways that don't involve paying for a product that's not necessary for weight loss. All you do is replace meals with a low calorie shake. Seriously, you can do this in many other ways. You can choose to eat less by eating low calorie meals, or just learning how to balance it out at the end of the day. There's no magic to weight loss, just good ol' calorie counting and eventually just make sure you track your macronutrients (protein, fats and carbs) to make sure you have a healthy balanced diet.

    I've bought herbalife at some point in my life. I really enjoyed it and lost weight really fast. But guess what? I gained it all back cause I had no idea on how to control my meals. You need to learn that to be able to lose the weight and keep it off.