Mithy1 Member


  • So I will ask this... For someone older with minor but persistent hip and knee pain who is also slowly recovering from a two year bout of "Frozen Shoulder" do these types of exercise machines work? Getting down on the floor is PAINFUL when your hips aren't as young as they used to be. Lifting ANYTHING when you have a…
    in ab lounger Comment by Mithy1 July 2014
  • Thanks for that info...I'm 5 weeks out and have only lost a TOTAL of 20-22 lbs(inc. pre surg. diet). I'm eating between 1100-1200 cals a day and walking at least 30 mins 5 times a week and for the past two weeks the scale has not moved, except to go up or down that 1-2 lbs but not lower. I'm getting ticked...and…