motivationformandy Member


  • Thanks for all the advice. I am eating around 1650 per day and not focusing on eating back calories at this point. I did read the roadmap post and it says I should be eating 1800ish so maybe I should up my cals? That scares me a little so I may just see what happens as is and if nothing then up. I did weigh myself the day…
  • Although I did test positive for MTHFR my doc does not think that has anything to do with it. Many dr.'s do not think it is a big deal and only suggest to take more folic acid. After doing lots of research I have requested for next pregnancy to get on Lovenox and a prenatal that has natural form of folate instead of…
  • Yeah it has definitely been a tough couple years. Great idea about the weighing myself every two weeks. Right now I am weighing myself every week and it sucks!!! LOL I figure I will take my measurements again after a full month of consistent workout and see what that says. I guess its time to dust off my weight watchers…
  • I am working out currently. I have always been somewhat active but never consistent. As of last Monday I am lifting weights 3 x a week and cardio 2 x a week so hopefully this will help. Although I am counting calories I do not weigh my food. I have been measuring some things but guessing on others. I do feel like I try to…
  • Today is the day that I needed to hear and see this!!! Thanks for sharing:)