This is about the time I usually give up....



  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    For what it's worth, extra weight around the middle isn't great for fertility. It's great you're doing something about it. I am, too!
  • Oh girl, I'm so sorry.

    A few things that you MUST know.

    1. You did nothing to cause miscarriages.
    2. Lifting weights will help heal you mentally, emotionally and physically. It will be the BEST thing you can do for your body composition during your fat loss program.
    3. You will ALWAYS weigh more the day after lifting due to muscles retaining water to heal. Best to weigh after at least one full rest day, in the morning. Also, it is very common to see scale gains during the first few weeks of lifting. Perfectly normal, yet frustrating just the same.
    4. Don't deprive yourself of food. With your activity level of lifting and cardio, you are at least lightly active. How many calories are you eating per day? Are you letting MFP set your goal? Are you "eating back" exercise calories? It's very hard to estimate calories for strength training, and most of us who lift use the TDEE-% system. This means we eat the same amount each day and don't use the "eat back" system. Your TDEE is around 2100-2350, depending on your job, type of cardio etc. You can take a cut from that.
    5. Feel free to PM me if you would like help. Also, another great resource is the "roadmap" linked here: .
    5. Don't give up. :heart:

    Thanks for all the advice. I am eating around 1650 per day and not focusing on eating back calories at this point. I did read the roadmap post and it says I should be eating 1800ish so maybe I should up my cals? That scares me a little so I may just see what happens as is and if nothing then up. I did weigh myself the day after lifting so maybe I will only weigh myself on sundays after my rest day.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I agree the weight gain is more than likely from the new exercise and lifting weights.
    When I started, all I did was walk 30 minutes a day.

    Losing weight is a slow process. The toughest part is your weight can fluxuate 5 pounds in one given day- so always weigh yourself in the same clothes (or lack thereof) at around the same time of the day.
    I have read posts where people complain about weighing more after they exercise- probably from the muscles retaining water-
  • candylilacs
    candylilacs Posts: 614 Member
    After reading all the responses, I can tell you that I have never been pregnant ever. I went through IVF, had four very nice-looking embryos (my eggs they said were too old!) but nothing happened. :( And nothing happened two years before that. It's a numbers game -- and anyone who tells you otherwise is lying.

    The ideal healthy 22 year old only has about a 50 percent chance of getting pregnant each month. Carrying it to term is less that that. The less ideal and young you are the percentage goes down. I'm not a big believer in statistics and taking them to heart, but I will tell you that it takes time, effort and numerous tries.That sucks because it saps your strength emotionally and psychologically (and financially!)

    I've never had a miscarriage (because I've never even gotten pregnant) but I can only imagine how awful and heartwrenching that is. My cousin had six before she had her son who is very fat and very healthy. She felt like giving up, but just kept trying. That's kind of what success is -- persevering when everyone else around you has quit.

    My doctor told me that I have a magical egg in there somewhere and we just have to find it. In the mean time, I decided to lose weight and get healthier because losing weight has been medically proven to help prevent miscarriage. You're doing what you need to do and that's all you can do. The rest will happen.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    I was eating 1300 cals - netting about 700 maybe. Then read the Road Map.
    I was terrified, but upped the cals to net roughly 1200. I gained 10lb, but carried on even though I felt miserable - yay for great encouragement on here. The month after that, I lost 12lb, and so many inches. It was a great transformation.
    Now I lift, and net about 14-1600.

    You'll get there :D
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    I'm really sorry for your losses... Have they tested you for clotting disorders like what some infertility forum friends called the Mother F@#$er gene?
    As to the rest, don't obsess over the scale... measurements are a much better indicator of progress. And I ditto getting a food scale and everything jfrankic said. Good Luck! :)

    Although I did test positive for MTHFR my doc does not think that has anything to do with it. Many dr.'s do not think it is a big deal and only suggest to take more folic acid. After doing lots of research I have requested for next pregnancy to get on Lovenox and a prenatal that has natural form of folate instead of synthetic folic acid which my body does not absorb properly. Its just crazy they wont do anything without me insisting.

    Your doctors are nuts :( FWIW, an internet friend had several miscarriages and a full-term stillbirth (clot in the cord). They finally dx'd her with MTHFR after the stillbirth and her successful pregnancy was on lovenox (or heparin - can't remember) . Glad you will insist and I wish you luck and blessings in both the healthy weight loss and healthy pregnancy departments :flowerforyou: