

  • "I can do whatever I want, I'm the chief of police." - Chief Brody, Jaws.
  • The steam fresh microwaveable packs are delicious. Highly recommend that if you're living off the microwave. I know it's better to actually "cook" cook, but my entire work week is me constantly being on the go if I want to get everything done. I don't have time to turn around because I forgot the ingredients to make a…
  • Most of the time the closer I get to eating them, my "if every day were like today, you would weigh 'such-and-such' lbs in 5 weeks" frequently goes down tremendously. I have a sedentary job, and I am wanting to lose 1.8 pounds a week until I reach my goal. They set me at 1,200 calories. Some days are more active than…
  • I'm just going to have to work in a little chocolate each day somehow. Not the protein shake chocolate either, REAL milk chocolate. That is the only craving I have when my unwanted guest arrives.
  • The responses here are very encouraging because I, too, have wondered about this. I always seem to bloat and feel heavier, and though my diet and exercise routine has been kept and even changed up a little (the exercise) I have gone back up on the scale rather than down. However, I am expecting my cycle early Friday…
  • I'm eating them right now, and she's right. They're just the right thing for those sweet cravings, particularly chocolate. I'm six days in and I don't feel deprived by my eating plan at all.
  • Trust me, I know how you feel. Parents and even grandparents can be extremely negative and critical. I have had my feelings hurt so many times regarding my weight loss goals. My mom lowering my expectations, my grandmother asking "what crazy diet" I'm on now when I'm just really trying to eat better so that I won't have…