

  • Hi! My name is Kelsey! I'm so excited for you health goal! I recently lost 35pounds, my sister lost 106lbs and my friend/client who is mom of 2 lost over 50 lbs!!! Losing this weight was amazing I didn't have to count calories or points or anythin like that. I got to enjoy the food I love the most! I have a 3 day trial of…
  • I feel your frustration! we all lead sedentary lifestyles these days. And for someone who is always on the go it will be difficult for you to find "me" time to workout. This was my sister but then we helped her lose 106lbs and the first 30 without working out on her nutrition program the same one that I used to help me…
  • I have coached someone to drop his body fat from 21% to 5.7%. All while gaining 35lbs of lean mass in just 4 months. He has seen amazing Strength results in all lifting.