brownam232 Member


  • It's rough!!! I work in retail and this 60 year old lady came in and completely inspired me. She looked thirty! I asked her what her secret was and she said she'd been vegan for twenty years. I'm not saying that's the way to go, but since meeting her I've cut out cheese and meats for the most part..and my skin has cleared…
  • I'm just now trying out a vegan lifestyle! I'd love any supportive friends and food ideas!
  • I'm 5/5 and new here! I really need inspirational friends! Add me!!
  • Hi! My name is Ash. I'm about to enter my last semester of college and want to be looking and feeling my best by the time graduation rolls around in May! I'm 5'5, lightly active and looking to make friends who have about the same goals so we can motivate each other, lord knows I need it!! Add me! :)