ness122112 Member


  • Finally tired of being tired all the time, and ashamed of myself--plus went on blood pressure medicine this past May. My goal is to get off of it. I've lost 10 lbs since then--so it's slow, but I didn't really start trying hard until around mid August. i want to be healthy and not hurt when I get out of bed in the morning,…
  • @ "My wife and children..." congratulations on 52 lbs!
  • Tried to delete this post--was trying to congratulate you! 52 lbs is impressive! That's approximately my goal. Just learning how to "reply" on this forum...sorry about that! (that I've repeated it so many times--wish I could have just deleted)
  • oops messed up here--new to forum
  • I agree with these guys--I've been up and down--had determination/motivation, then not. If you're saying "wish me luck with that!" it may not be something you're ready to do right now. Why not start walking with the dog 30 min a day instead of jumping into jogging if you've not been jogging? Walking is just as good if you…