MsAudreyC94 Member


  • ok, so only eat half of a meal (sounds hard but it is easy after a week or so) try to walk at a brisk pace for 20-30mins every day. Find exercise videos on YouTube and follow them in your home (easier and cheaper than gym membership) only eat dessert once a well. I usually pick Saturday but whatever works best for you!…
  •'s my story in a nut shell: last yr was freshman at college start weight 104 end weight 118, I gained due to stress eating from homesickness. My mom gave me the scale I wanted for my bday and I religiously weighed myself everyday. I transferred schools lost (very unhealthily) 10lbs and mainly ate sweets then ran…
  • Hi! I am currently recovering from restrictive diet eating disorder as well. I have a hard time reaching my calories as well because I eat small but a few things that help me are: 1. drinking milk (I don't know how being a vegetarian works so I'm not sure if you are able to do this one, but if you are able to I would stick…
  • I do have some ideas for you actually! First start by finding an active hobby you really enjoy, then start adding in little bits of exercise (10mins at a tine) gradually increase these workouts. Then start focusing on what you drink. Try mainly consuming water and if you don't like flavorless drinks try powerade zero, or a…