started yesterday. want to see results SOON. any ideas?



  • _firecracker_
    _firecracker_ Posts: 185 Member
    Wth is on your tongue?

    It seems to me you already know what you need to do...move more, drink less and learn not to be so impulsive.
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    Look for something other than the scale if you want results soon.

    Give yourself kudos for completing your food diary every day, even if it's not pretty. Celebrate finishing a tough workout, or in finding a workout you love. Pat yourself on the back for drinking water instead of alcohol. Rejoice if you get a couple of friends this week with similar goals and plans.

    It's really all those little things, repeated daily, weekly, monthly, etc that will get you to your goals. It's those things that will keep you going on those weeks when you don't lose, or worse, GAIN (everybody hits those weeks sometimes!). If your measure of success is based solely on the numbers, whether it is scale, inches, bf% or BMI, you will get discouraged at some point. You have to have ways to push on and break through those hard times.

    You can do this. You made a good first step by joining here. :smile:
  • itsunotme
    eat less, clean/healthy and workout more!
    literally, in a nutshell
  • Foxtrot2N
    Foxtrot2N Posts: 184 Member
    Play a 72 second clip of Eye of the Tiger while you work out. It worked for Rocky.
  • HefferSprint
    HefferSprint Posts: 124 Member
    Doesn't everyone want to lose it soon? I'd be fit tomorrow if that was an option. :)
  • takerbrat
    takerbrat Posts: 81 Member
    There is some fabulous advice on this thread. For me the key has been motivation. As a mother, daughter, sister, wife, friend, co-worker, community volunteer I have spent the better part of my 45 years putting others first. I used to say that I didn't have time to take care of me but that simply wasn't true . . . I wasn't ready to make myself a priority. On July 1st I accepted a friendly challenge with my son. It is fun and hugely motivating and more importantly, for me to be successful I have had to learn to be selfish with my time and with my health. My goal was to lose 2 lbs/week for 23 weeks and I have lost almost 25 lbs in 9 weeks. I am learning so much about food and what constitutes a "healthy lifestyle". To read about our challenge, posts from guest bloggers, recipes and/or link to interesting info that I have found (like how to make a coffee ground scrub that helps with cellulite and varicose veins), visit
  • gramarye
    gramarye Posts: 586 Member
    if drinking is such a big part of your life then you need to change what is causing you to drink before you decide you want to lose weight

    I have to agree with this; I was drinking heavily right for about a year. It was about 40 percent social and 60 percent emotional. Once I was able to address why I wanted to be drunk on every occasion, I was able to cut it back to a reasonable level. Better for my body and my wallet.

    I'm not saying this is your situation, OP -- just that it's worth considering, If only because booze is expensive in calories. (And frankly, makes me hungry, thus back to calories.)

    Of course, Tuesday is karaoke night, so really, I'm just trying to save calories for gigantic glasses of beer today. :D
  • dp1228
    dp1228 Posts: 439 Member
    like someone else said, i give you props for admitting you may give up. a lot of people don't admit that. i must say though that it is going to be a very long, hard and tough journey if you give up every time you dont see a drastic change. I've been doing this for two years, my first attempt ever changing my habits and i cannot tell you how many plateaus i have had. at least over a dozen. you probably will see good results in the first month if you really commit, ex. cutting out drinking, cleaning up your diet, exercising... but it will slow down you absolutely have to keep that in mind. measure yourself in addition to the scale so that you don't get discouraged from not seeing the scale go down in number.

    it sounds like you know this has to be a lifestyle change. it's really all up to you to not allow yourself to give up. we can't do that for you. im 24 and can be really impulsive as well but when it comes to things like your health and weight.... it's really all about how bad you want it.
  • alexrenner2013
    alexrenner2013 Posts: 13 Member
    start the introduction of the Atkins diet which is less than 20 carbs a day. I've been doing it on off for about 2 weeks now and I've already lost 5 lbs. believe me IT WORKS SO GREAT. just have a cheddar cheese omelet for breakfast, chicken every night, veggies in chicken salads and what not and it will be very fast.
  • KeepGoingKylene
    KeepGoingKylene Posts: 432 Member
    Well, to your credit, you're honest and upfront.

    BUT I think the biggest favor you can do yourself is to change your expectations. It did not take you 24 hours or 1 week to get the way you are and it will NOT be erased or undone in 24-48 hours or a week or a month or possibly several months.

    I don't think you're ready. (Unfortunately, I too am honest.)

    Good luck.

    Exactly my thoughts as well. Everything you just said gave me flashbacks to exactly how I was at that age. Here I am now at 33 and finally have the mind set to want to do it (and am doing it). It's not going to happen overnight, heavy drinking will not allow it to happen for sure.
    Now the one thing do want to say is how about you prove us wrong and show you are ready! ;)
  • Darrelkun
    Darrelkun Posts: 152 Member
    Try to find exercises that will tone up your body so you'll see a slimmer effect sooner. Even if you don't lose the pounds, you'll look better in the mirror.

    I noticed after about 3 weeks of The Biggest Loser Boot Camp that I looked a little slimmer in my belly and back regions. I think any kind of abdominal targeted work out (if that's where you notice any undesirable weight) for about 20-30 minutes a day, every day, will give you at least some satisfying results. Note that targeting an area will not help you lose all the weight in just that area, but it will help the muscles develop and become nice and firm.

    Or if you like numbers, try weighing in every day at the same time (preferably right after you wake up). That's what I do to stay motivated.
  • Mborroto25
    Mborroto25 Posts: 79 Member
    well...I also just started exactly a week ago from today and I've lost 6lbs already :) ... Granted, it's not a big loss but it's keeping me motivated :) hope this helps :)

    Reality check, aside from first-week water weight loss... 6 pounds in a week will be the exception, not the norm. Unless you are extremely overweight (250+) most people are most likely going to see 1-2 pounds a week MAX. Some weeks nothing.
    That's exactly what I thought. Those 6 pounds in one week must have been water weight. Seriously.
  • Mborroto25
    Mborroto25 Posts: 79 Member
    Play a 72 second clip of Eye of the Tiger while you work out. It worked for Rocky.
  • qtgonewild
    qtgonewild Posts: 1,930 Member
    one day at a time. one pound at a time.
  • MsAudreyC94
    MsAudreyC94 Posts: 4 Member
    I do have some ideas for you actually! First start by finding an active hobby you really enjoy, then start adding in little bits of exercise (10mins at a tine) gradually increase these workouts. Then start focusing on what you drink. Try mainly consuming water and if you don't like flavorless drinks try powerade zero, or a decaffeinated green tea! Also think positively and don't be consumed by how quick your results show. I was worried about a quick fix and developed major health problems from my obsession. The change is gradual, but believe me people will notice all the slight differences even if it's just 5lbs. Also inform friends/family you are trying to be healthier and have them help you pick healthy options for nights out etc. best of luck to you! I know you can do it! :)
  • Marryparker
    Slow and steady wins the race
  • claudiaguajardo9699
    I'm the same way, I have little patience and get discouraged easily. The big thing on this program is logging in ALL you eat, once I visually saw my intake, I noticed the foods that were taking all my calories away, cut down on my portions and made wiser choices...I made it a point to stay under my daily allowance of calories by exercising and in the first 4 days I lost 3lbs, but the BEST thing about the 3lbs was that I noticed my close were fitting better...this is my 4th week and I'm already fitting into clothes I couldn't wear last fall. Just make sure to cut your portions in half and make healthier choices. good luck!!!
  • MeganMcK11
    MeganMcK11 Posts: 117 Member
    Well, to your credit, you're honest and upfront.

    BUT I think the biggest favor you can do yourself is to change your expectations. It did not take you 24 hours or 1 week to get the way you are and it will NOT be erased or undone in 24-48 hours or a week or a month or possibly several months.

    I don't think you're ready. (Unfortunately, I too am honest.)

    Good luck.
  • vinny76063
    vinny76063 Posts: 133 Member
    Stop the heavy drinking and and no slipping on diet, in 2 weeks you will notice a difference....The drinking alone is a huge difference
  • NJackson27
    NJackson27 Posts: 4 Member
    Like many others said, you're going to have to change your expectations. Period. If you want lasting results, you have to be patient. You need a lifestyle change, and this is going to take time. You owe it to yourself to lead a healthier lifestyle. So do it. It's really that easy. Decide to make the change, then execute it. If your friends don't support your healthy lifestyle, they aren't friends. Be kind to yourself, understand you will falter at times, but the most important thing is that you keep moving on. Also, make sure you do not deplete your calories to a point where you are not losing.

    Go to this site: and decide what you should be doing calorie wise. Keep in mind, calories are NOT the most important thing you should be focusing on. You could eat 1700 calories worth of pizza, but it's obviously not an optimal choice. Fill your macros out with lean protein, vegetables, fruits, complex carbs (veggies, fruits, whole grains), and limit (and eventually eliminate) all processed foods. It can be controversial, but I really support a gentle three day cleanse (consult with your doctor first) to get any weight loss process started. It's kind of like starting on a clean slate. All of the junk will be processed out, you'll feel more energized, and if you actually make it through the cleanse without cheating it, you will have a little boost of self-confidence that will reaffirm that you are actually capable of sticking to your goals. Good luck! You can do it, you just have to consistently make the choices that foster a healthy lifestyle. Also, kick the term "diet" if you are referring to it in short term. Diets do not work. Making a healthy and permanent lifestyle change will.