ItsRobyn66 Member


  • I should have clarified I was referring to the men who weren't adding anything helpful to the conversation and were just being. . .men.
  • I could use some more active friends as well. My profile is public so if you think we'd be good support for each other, please feel free to send me a request.
  • Note: When a woman posts a question directed to other women ("time of the month...LADIES what exercises should I do?"), Men, you might want to stay out of the conversation. That is all.
  • When I quit smoking 12 years ago, I also quit drinking at the same time. Because I always enjoyed a cigarette with my Corona Light, I was worried I would associate the two and due to defenses being weaker from the beer, I thought I might give in to smoking again (never did). I'm happy for you that you've quit smoking. I…
  • Lifting my glass of wine. Seriously (really it is wine but that's not considered exercise so...), (1) elliptical--lots of good stuff going on and not a lot of hurting. At 47, that's important and a close second is (2) weight machines. My gym has these funky machines that move with you to reduce strain. Love em! ~ Robyn
  • I'm totally late here but my weigh-in on Friday was -0.5 lb. Down a total of 4 lb so far. Slow and steady wins the race, right? :)
  • I'm so glad you posted here. I've been going through perimenopause for about a year now (hot flashes, irregular periods, etc.) and haven't attempted to do anything about it. My obgyn gave me lab test orders over a year ago but because they are "fasting" tests, I keep putting it off. I need to just pick a day and set my…
    in HRT Comment by ItsRobyn66 July 2014
  • Great job! You're almost to goal.
  • That's great!!!
  • Thanks so much. :)
  • This is my week one weigh-in. I lost 3.5 pounds. I edited to add: My starting weight was 150. My goal is 130. Today I am at 146.5.
  • I can't do caffeine in the evening either so I do decaf instead with both coffee and icedtea. Red wine is my weakness so yesterday, I had a Corona Light instead. Was it as satisfying? No. Was it better than drinking the two glasses of wine I usually have every night? Yes. Baby steps. . . :wink:
  • I'll be here to weigh in starting next Friday. I just rejoined MFP after being MIA for nearly two years.
  • Hi everyone! I'm Robyn. I just joined today and wanted to introduce myself. If you check out my photos, you'll see that I looove wine. I'm trying to cut down A LOT and am so glad I found this group. Here's my profile info so you can know more about me: About Me: I'm a 47 year old California girl, married for 20 years, and…
  • Hi everyone! I'm just going to copy/paste what I have on my profile. It sums me up pretty well. About Me: I'm a 47 year old California girl, married for 20 years, and have two children (17 and 10). I've been a stay-at-home mom for the past 10 years. I started working part-time from home a month ago as a medical…
  • About Me: I'm a California girl, married for 20 years, and have two children (17 and 10). I've been a stay-at-home mom for the past 10 years. I started working part-time from home a month ago as a medical transcriptionist and I love it! I never had an issue with my weight until after the birth of my first baby. I lost 15…
  • Here's my introduction post from over on the newbies thread for the group Fabulous Over 40's.
    in Friends Comment by ItsRobyn66 July 2014
  • I'm new here too (although I joined a couple of years ago and then never did anything with mfp). I've got 20 lbs total to lose and decided today that I'm going to do something about it. Friends and support are welcome!
    in Friends Comment by ItsRobyn66 July 2014
  • I agree.
  • Hi, I'm Robyn and I am 47 years old (will turn 48 in 3 months). I live in California, have been married for 20 years, and have two children (17 and 10). I've been a stay-at-home mom for the past 10 years. I started working part-time from home a month ago as a medical transcriptionist and I love it! I never had an issue…