

  • I ended up treating myself to a sweet tea and chicken quesadilla and got it down to 7 calories remaining. :)
  • I'm not going to try to eat back all the calories, but I am starting to get a little hungry so I may indulge just a bit. The funny thing is that I wasn't really looking at calories or worrying at all today! I do need to switch to turkey bacon, though. It's much healthier.
  • I use a HRM monitor and it's always been pretty close to the MFP for my 30 Day Shred which I log as circuit training. Without exercise, my surplus would have been about 557.
  • 3 meals usually. I'm not really a snacking kind of person. If I'm a little hungry and it's not too close to dinner or lunch, I'll have a piece of cheese. I know I should be snacking because apparently that keeps your metabolism up, but I really hate crunchy food and that's where most snacks tend lean towards (pretzels,…
  • Wonderful, thank you so much. I thought that was probably it.
  • My only main confusion is when you set goals. Does your exercise goal count against your net calories? I have mine set to lose 1 1/2 pounds per week, doing 20 minutes of circuit training 7 days a week (I'm on 30 Day Shred). I'm currently at 165 lbs. Mine tells me to eat 1210 calories a day. Now if I burn 200 calories, it…
  • Thinking "oh, I will totally fit into these size 10 jeans they look huge!" and not being able to get them past your thighs. For all my big chested-girls, having to go to XL in a shirt or dress when the rest of your torso is a M or L. Just makes things so much worse.
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