claris917 Member


  • I can totally relate. The heaviest i got is 132 and i went as low as 105lbs. But now im at 110. And it's a struggle to maintain 105lbs. You may want to try Carb cycling. I tried it cause i cant stand calorie counting and tropology. Carb cycling is easier and more filling. I started it at 113 and i consistently drop 2lbs…
  • Scales just tell a tiny thing about your fitness efforts. I think you should try do measurements instead. Another good progress that the scale wont tell you is improvement in endurance. I hit my plateau 2 yrs ago. After a slow but consistent weight loss, suddenly the scale wont change or it did even increase. The thing is,…
  • Make them into sweet mashed potato and make a healthy mushroom gravy. Pair it with steak. I also like to bake them as fries. Just drizzle olive oil and season with paprika.
  • Stack up on fresh fruits and lettuce for an easy salad. For veggies, blanch em in boiling water and season them with herbs. For kinda "cheat" but super awesome no cook happy food, heat an cup of skim milk, add 2 tbsp of unsweetened cocoa powder amd 2 tbsp of coconut sugar. Mix it up and let it cool. Add the choco milk…
  • Apple with peanut butter
  • Love all the ideas and opinion guys :) And i agree with most of you. Im all for fruits but doesnt mean thats the only thing ill eat all day. I just always have an apple and maybe an orange. Maybe at around 2 servings of fruits a day. im just baffled by some fitness ideas of limiting it. He even said limit nuts :( which i…
  • I love quinoaaaa! I cook it like "fried rice". First, i let quinoa cook in water. Then i sautee garlic in olive oil, add chunks of tuna (or any protein of choice), carrots, bellpepper, green beans. Then i mix in the quinoa and season em with pepper and paprika and little bit of oyster sauce. For oatmeal. I make them to…
  • Hey there. For the longest time my body has been stuck at 122lbs. In 2013 i was at 136 then drop to 122. And its frustrating cause i cant seem to lose the few pounds left. One thing worked for me and it doesnt need calorie count. Its called Carb cycling which is convenient and easier. I suggest u try carb cycling for a…
  • Im 5'0" with cw of 112lbs. I want to lose weight until 105 then get leaner at 110lbs max.
  • Add me up :3
  • PH.. as in Philippines :3
  • I cut them like fries then season em with paprika and pepper. Spray some olive oil and bake em. Best fries everrr. :3 I also boil them and mash them for a healthier mashed sweet potato.
  • Im 5'0". When i started my fitness journey in 2013, i weighed 136lbs. It was a slow but healthy process and im now at 113lbs. I went as low as 107lbs late last yr but christmas is full of tempting food. My goal weight is 105lbs but i want to build some muscles and be toned at 110lbs. :)
  • Hi, The extra weight can be due to waste and partly water weight. I think you should go to doctor to have your condition checked because 3 wks is a longgg time. Are you eating too much protein? Sometimes it can cause constipation. I suggest u drink lots of water and eat fiber rich food. Drinking tea after eating a lot also…
  • me. :3 21 yo. I am also new here so i hope to have some contacts. ;)