

  • It is a severe diet plan. You drink 3 high protein, low carbs shakes a day and eat very little (less than 1,000 calories a day!). They actually tell you that you are not supposed to work out. I did this program several years ago and had success getting the weight off but put it and then some back on when I left the…
  • I would change BC. I had gained an extreme amount of weight in a short period of time and I found out after the fact that I was mildly allergic to my BC. They also offer options now that are not hormone based so they don't have the nasty side effect of weight gain. Talk to your doctor. Have a hormone panel ran to verify…
  • Hello! I am Shanna and I am just starting at attempting to get my weight under control. I don't really get a lot of support from family or friends so I am hoping to get it here! Welcome and I hope to be a positive support to other members and receive that in return :)