elfin168 Member


  • if you are losing weight faster than you want to just increase your calorie intake
  • Perhaps up your protein intake. Lift heavy a couple of times a week. Eat enough cals and see a trainer for advice
  • have a smaller deficit not a big one, as the bigger the deficit the more your self control will waver. eat plenty of protein, make changes you can maintain for a lifetime not until you stop dieting and gain it all back. eat some of the candy/icecream/chocolate etc and log it or replace it with alternatives that you love. i…
  • ease back. you will not gain the weight back without eating in a surplus and for some considerable period of time. i am currently loosing weight veerry slowly at the moment. i recommend staying away from the scales and trusting the process. i would also like to give you some encouraging information ...people who lose…
  • starving is not the way to go. it will make you hungry and tired, you will lose muscle mass, your anxiety will INCREASE. it is extremely unlikely that you will not lose weight if you eat more. it will take longer but more of it will be fat and it will be easier so you will actually enjoy the process. i would recommend…
  • Ok. See you aren't. No wonder you are hungry!
  • Looks fine. Are u not logging exercise calories
  • I dont think it will do any harm as long as you are eating 'normally' on that day and not binge eating. You would therefore be effectively dieting on 6 days out of 7 and maintaining on the 7th, I would be concerned about your calorie goal tho as 1200 is pretty low. Mine is around 1400 and to be honest i probably eat around…
  • there is no such thing as normal. perhaps ask the nutritionist when you go back to them.
  • i would say eat more, decrease your deficit. increase your protein intake, exercise in the evening for a little, great stress relief and helps manage hunger signals, have snacky things in the house that you can eat that will not derail your efforts. i have rice crackers, carrots, etc around to munch on while i cook etc. i…
  • undereating will not stop weightloss lol. if it did there would be no such thing as anorexia!
  • meh. they are no body to you except some rude creeps. ps i felt silly the other day at the gym when to young muscle bound men were working out near me. i am over it now tho. dont let them ruin your buzz. also at my gym the regulars range from 80 years to about 18. fat, thin and in between
  • when i was drastically undereating as a anorexic 18 year old i would run my hands through my hair and it would come out in my hands. i think you need to start logging your intake and make sure that you are getting enough protein, carbs, fats etc. a doctors checkup may not go amiss either
  • if you dont eat enough protein/calories your body will start eating your muscle mass. also fruit is high in sugar. eggs, cheese, milk, yoghurt, fish, bread, tofu, beans, protein shakes, meat, chicken etc etc with every meal will help prevent muscle loss (which to some degree is inevitable) when you reduce your calorie…
  • You can lose weight without exercise but you will lose more muscle mass along with fat mass then if you were to combine weight loss with aerobic and/or resistance training. There are studies that show this. You are also likely to lose more fat mass if you have a lower deficit (ie eat more) and if you have a protein intake…
  • pass but you have a lovely defined waist (im straight up and down here) and nice feminine curves. if you want to know your shape measure at hips shoulders and waist
  • the beauty of my fitness pal is that you can eat just about anything as long as you log the calorie intake. i like to keep things simple...ground meat (mince), steak and vege, panfried fish, toasties. protein and veges are my go tos
  • trying to maintain your weight while pregnant is not healthy and this is why...the weight you are gaining is increased blood volume, fluid around the baby, and the baby itself, also a few other very necessary things. i suggest eating healthily and not excessively (and getting help to do so if necessary) and you and your…
  • Welcome Blanca. Congratulations on making a start :)
  • yup. i havent weighed myself in weeks...oh and cant be bothered to do the morning strip, etc. i can see from the changes in my body that i am losing body fat slowly and that is enough for me. I plan to just trust in the process for now, keep to my calories etc
  • No idea. But it is not a lot of weight and sounds like it is not genuine weight gain so does it really matter? The scales arent the only thing. If it causing you concern and you are already under a lot of stress then perhaps just go back to logging until life is less stressful
  • i dont know much about nutrition but suggest starting heavy lifting to build and preserve muscle while you cut the chub, make sure you are eating enough protein (to help preserve muscle) net has heaps of suggestions on minimum for active people, make sure you are eating back most of those exercise calories
  • if you are a lady...and i am assuming that you are..getting bigger is very unlikely. you may notice a 'pump' after using weights however this is simply due to water retention and swelling and is only temporary. to get bigger and gain muscle you would have to eat in a surplus and for quite some time. if you want to lose…
  • The wonderful thing about my fitness pal is that you can almost use it as a tool to help you adjust distorted eating habits. You know you are undereating and you know you are frightened of carbs. Trust in the process and increase your cals. I would make sure you are getting enough calcium iron protein and fat without…
  • I say dont bulk. I say start lifting and eating more. Gradually. You have the advantage of male hormones on your size. I reakon you will look pretty good pretty quick if you take it slow without going overboard and 'bulking"
  • very few people can eat what they like and do very little exercise and not put on weight. you can also not see what is going on beneath their clothes. skinny fat is real. so is thin but unhealthy. i
  • oh, and to answer your question, not sure about fitness goals, but if you are genuinely carry excess weight in your middle this can be somewhat dangerous healthwise as it can indicate fat around your internal organs. so i would say fitness/healthwise, maintain a healthy diet and exercise routine, work on losing weight…
  • ill swap you your apple for my pear lol. no matter how slim i get - unless i am borderline underweight and watching every calorie, i have shapeless legs with cellulite, no bosoms. perhaps you have an unrealistic idea of what a 'woman looks like" the normal woman comes with stretch marks, cellulite, veins where you dont…
  • I am in a similar situation...where i am slim but have a higher body fat level then i would like. i have decided to slowly lose a couple of kilos while doing weight training (cos I love it) but slightly lighter loads. what body builders call cutting i think. i then intend to slowly build up my strength and muscles. have a…