MsMischief Member


  • I've got flatliner and almost scorpio! My butterfly is apparently very close too, I just need to keep practising. I've bought tite grip (due this week) but my x-pole probably won't arrive until after easter. So many bruises!
  • Eugh, my boyfriend eats literally twice as much as me (I know, I do all the cooking) - my solutions are generally just eat half as much as him. (Cook dinner for 3-4 people, fill half of my smaller dinner plate with main, roughly a third of the total & other half veggies, put the rest on his serving plate sized dinner…
  • I did the invert! I can invert now! I can even take my hands off. :D
  • I did absolutely rubbish. My goal for December is keeping a planned food menu and sticking to it.
  • Between binges and over-grazing, I've been doing just rubbish lately. With enabling from my SO, it's not helping. Bakery lunch and home made nachos, oh dear. Oh well, today's a new day - dinner's bought and needs to be prepped and I have a double fitness class.
  • I did the corkscrew spin! Letting one hand go mid-spin is terrifying, but this is the coolest thing I've learnt so far
  • I've discovered poached eggs. Been on the ball, even if grocery shopping after fitness class is one of the stupidest things I do - I only picked up a small fizzy drink. I'm not supposed to be eating back my exercise calories, but today I was so hungry I had to have chips with my burger. It's better than having two burgers,…
  • Yesterday was really not a healthy day. Pizza leftovers for breakfast, a large portion of carbonara for lunch, ice cream and a pint of cider. I didn't go over, though. Which surprised me, but I'm not complaining. I've noticed the more junk I consume, the more I crave junk. Need to start picking up healthy habits again.
  • Yesterday was bonfire night, I skipped my fitness class to watch fireworks with my SO, and when that was finished we were very lazy indeed and ordered pizza for the film. No more eating out in November. That's final.
  • You are young. If you break up on good terms, there's always the possibility of trying again at a later point in life. (My current boyfriend and I dated briefly at 14-15 somewhere, it didn't work out, but we stayed friends. Last year we decided to try again, now we're living together. It happens) I understand that 2 years…
  • I slipped up yesterday. I went over by quite a lot, but not from singular binging, but constant grazing. I did just not feel full at all that day. I blame the stress of two pretty important tests back-to-back, and I had take-away, chocolate, crisps, alcohol, brownies and ice cream.
  • @JustMeee333 - I actually find them quite helpful, I'm no longer struggling to get up in the mornings (although I'm still hesitant, I'm very much awake when I hit snooze instead of falling straight back asleep), I have much fewer cravings (that might factor into the extra weight loss) - I use Boots' multivit for women,…
  • I baked brownies and made slow cooker lasagne yesterday. And I didn't go over. I only had a little bit of the brownies, I accidentally skipped lunch and had a slightly large portion of the lasagne. No alcohol, no sweets, no snacking or pecking in between or after meals. Considering that was a SATURDAY I am really very…
  • I have pretty much 22 lbs left to lose (since my last weigh-in), and I would've progressed faster if I didn't tend to binge on really unhealthy foods when I get tired. But, after starting multivitamins I've managed down 4 lbs, now I've got a slow cooker so I can start cooking before I get conked out tired. :)
  • I made it (yesterday)! I had a really long day, wasn't home until around 9 pm, so between cooking dinner (and realising I had cooked too much chips, and actually not eating them!) and watching netflix with the S.O, I didn't have the time or need to binge. I hope today goes just as well.
  • Yesterday was a weird day, food-wise. While I did go some over my calorie goal, that was mainly the 3 pints of cider I had, but I walked off the excess when we walked home from uni, a 3 mile walk. Today has been better, back at counting 'dem calories, but today is halloween and I'm likely to have chocolate when snuggling…
  • I'm proud that I've moved up in my fitness class to beginner level 3, even though all the moves are impossible and my legs are covered in bruises.
  • Ignore the ending of my last post. We ended up with domino's. I ate 3/4 of a medium pizza, with two leftover slices for me to eat this week. I hope November fares better
  • I was bad and had a bingey yesterday, i had large meals and fizzy drinks and smothered my pasta dinner with cheese sauce without touching neither veggies nor salad. Yesterday was a really long day at uni, 9-18, and I needed a good refill. As usual, I forgot to bring a lunch, so I bought a stuffed baguette and washed it…
  • Simple maths. Your binge is less than your overall work, if it's diet or exercise. If you normally eat at a 500 kcal deficit, you also work out at another 200 kcal/day, and one day you eat a whole tub of ben and jerry's? You're set back 1200 kcal. That's two days. If you only have a 200 kcal deficit and no working out,…
  • I'm doing rather well this week. I haven't logged most days (I need to be better at that!) but between a yoghurt, oatmeal or tuna patties for breakfast, a small homemade sarnie for lunch and single serving dinners (and two biccies with my tea) I definitively haven't been bingeing. Yesterday I even did something I normally…
  • Yesterday was good, didn't come home until late. Because I was stuck on campus until my fitness class, and I forgot to bring lunch I ended up buying a mediocre, unhealthy sandwich. I need to get my lunches under control! However, today is a short day so I should be able to relax and stay within my goals
  • I bought a replacement for my favourite (sadly broken) tea cup online, but it's really shoddy in person. I'm big on tea and I don't have "my own" cup here at the moment, so I completely lost my mood and any and all appetite (for both food and tea). Hey, at least I'm not bingeing on biscuits?
  • Today went well. Late breakfast, accidentally skipped lunch and had a nice carrot and coriander soup for tea. My kcal intake was a bit on the low side today, but considering I ate over 2500 kcal yesterday, I'm sure I'll be fine.
  • runner: I've already started mentally, the group is up, I'm sure you're allowed to start early. For the evening thing I'd suggest either a cup of tea or a small, either easy or pre-prepared snack to tide you through cooking dinner. My go-to's are a glass of skim milk, the aforementioned cup of tea, a small amount of cheese…
  • In short, the philosophy is because that is how they do it in the U.S, and both mfp and the majority of the users here are Americans. Here in Europe, per 100 g/ml is more common, and it's easy to calculate in comparison. 1 tbsp? 15 ml here. 0.15 servings of 100 ml. I suggest you just add value per 100 gram or have the…
  • I'm hoping yesterday was my last binge until December. (when I travel home to visit the family, it's my foodie sister's first time hosting so I know I'll go overboard) After a killer work out I made the mistake of bringing up Domino's pizza, and that we have coupons for two-for-one pizzas. We were looking at said coupons,…
  • I tend to binge on chocolates, crisps or in case of anxiety/boredom - anything unhealthy in the kitchen. I also consider non-planned take aways as binging, especially when other food has been planned and bought. While I don't have massive binges, they're still bad for me and I need to normalise my relationship with food.
  • I love Saturday work outs, it's the best day of the week for it if you ask me. Sleep in a little, cook a fry up (500 kcal breakfasts rule), relax until the food's gone down and give it your all at the gym and enjoy being sore on Sunday, when you don't have to go to work.
  • I managed to get into both boomerang and carousel hold! My arms are killing me, my form was rubbish and I couldn't hold either for the life of me - but I got into both! Now to keep strengthening my arms and abs until next class