Check in



  • ChiaGnome
    ChiaGnome Posts: 179 Member
    Hi everyone! Hope it's okay if I join a bit late. I'm a binger/emotional eater and am working on braking the cycle. At this point, my will is strong outside the home (no cave-ins at work or stopping for fast food) but if there is something naughty my BF brings home, I will eat it.....all of it.....and feel really bad about it after. Jeez that sounds horrible. My weakness is chocolate. I think tracking could save me. Or maybe I just need to get rid of ALL temptations for the time being. It's not even so much about the weight loss but forming a healthy relationship with food. I joined a group for weight loss and it really helped. I think this one could really help kick start my new relationship :)
  • jantura
    jantura Posts: 14 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I'm just checking in to proudly say that I did very well today. No binges or even any cravings. (Obviously it was a MUCH better day at work.)
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    Just checking in for today before I go to bed.
    I felt in control today and I actually didn't have any cravings! I didn't do any exercising, other than some outside work around the house, but all in all.. it was a good day.
  • cpanus
    cpanus Posts: 19,727 Member
    No binge but I did have a conversation with some peppermint this evening. Did not go over my calorie allotment, so I'm good. But I'm glad I didn't have anything tempting in the cupboard or pantry. Oh, there were some pumpkin/chocolate chip cookies in the next department at work today...smelled really good...kept walking though. I think that's worth one point!

    Hope everyone has control over their cravings tomorrow. Have a great Wednesday.

  • MsMischief
    MsMischief Posts: 32 Member
    Yesterday was good, didn't come home until late. Because I was stuck on campus until my fitness class, and I forgot to bring lunch I ended up buying a mediocre, unhealthy sandwich. I need to get my lunches under control! However, today is a short day so I should be able to relax and stay within my goals
  • 10manda86
    10manda86 Posts: 229 Member
    Today I said hello to crispy cream donuts and then I said goodbye... GO ME!!!
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Today was a good day! I thought about forgetting my cal goal because my mom took me to go see a movie and I thought about getting a billion calorie bucket of popcorn, but in the end, I decided to ask her to go to lunch with me to a Mexican resturant and I got my 2 Tacos De Carne Asada and 7 tortillia chips. I was so proud of the fact that I didn't cave that I changed my profile pic to the tacos!

    NICE!! I would have caved and ate that popcorn for sure!
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Can I join you for 2/3 of november if I start today instead hehe (infact I have been way under cals for 3days yay)

    It is my birthday on 21st november so I wanna take the a couple of days around that off. Then back on it, which will help me save for xmas too and get lots of running around the shops in.

    Of course! Join in at anytime! And if you already have a planned "cheat day" thats fine too!
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Today I said hello to crispy cream donuts and then I said goodbye... GO ME!!!

  • Sunshine70Smith
    Sunshine70Smith Posts: 97 Member
    Today I said hello to crispy cream donuts and then I said goodbye... GO ME!!!

    I like this. Yay YOU!
  • tgipso
    tgipso Posts: 10 Member
    My boss brought in Panera Bread bagels this morning. I had a cinnamon crunch bagel with honey walnut cream cheese and later in the day I had 2 halloween oreo cookies. I did do a Boot Camp class and burned 446 calories. That helped a little bit with the extra calories I took in today. I need to be good tonight. I am planning on some salmon with broccoli and mushrooms. I really need to be good over the weekend.
  • ploppersdf1
    ploppersdf1 Posts: 89 Member
    Yesterday I was having a horrible day. I was down and stressed and really frustrated. I was so tempted to binge. I was sitting next to a vending machine and had means to get all the candy I could get my hands on. I was tempted by a Carmel iced coffee ( about 500 calories with everything). But I posted here instead and bought a water. After my class I went to the gym and worked out all my stress.. I'm disappointed though because I checked my weight and I gained 3 pounds. I've been working out more so I'm thinking it's just water retention
  • I have been doing really well. I think I have gone over calories by 100-200 calories on a couple of days. But not the usual 2000 calorie blowout that I seem to manage once or twice a week. :bigsmile:
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    Today was a good day. I felt in control all day and didn't go over my calorie goal and didn't binge.

    I'm really looking forward to November! If I can .. No.. WHEN I go a whole month with out binging even once, it will be the first time I have gone a whole month without binges!

    Sep was a good month. I only had 3 bad days. This month.. not so good. COME ON NOVEMBER!!!! :drinker:
  • MickeyBoo
    MickeyBoo Posts: 196 Member
    I am really cranky today. Just completely over everything. The thoughts of sitting down and munching my way through a big bowl of sweet and salty popcorn has been running through my mind all day, but I know if I start I won't stop.

    SO I have planned out some light icrecream and a big glass of wine into my diary today for when everyone is in bed and I can just chill out and relax. I haven't gone over my limit so fingers crossed that does the trick and I wake up in a better mood tomorrow!
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    My office is my big problem because it's filled with junk food and sweets - sometimes I start eating sweets and can't stop (and always feel like I'm hiding what I'm doing, even if I'm alone, which is very weird). I ate less junk food than usual this week, thanks to this group. I made it to Friday, which means better food through the weekend (I don't work on Fridays). Thanks for setting up this group. Everybody, have a good weekend.
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    Yesterday I was having a horrible day. I was down and stressed and really frustrated. I was so tempted to binge. I was sitting next to a vending machine and had means to get all the candy I could get my hands on. I was tempted by a Carmel iced coffee ( about 500 calories with everything). But I posted here instead and bought a water. After my class I went to the gym and worked out all my stress.. I'm disappointed though because I checked my weight and I gained 3 pounds. I've been working out more so I'm thinking it's just water retention

    The 3 pounds are probably water from the water you drank before you weighed, or from sodium in food, or water retention from new exercise to heal your muscles. You did really well to walk away from that candy. Posting here in a moment like that is a really good idea.
  • Sunshine70Smith
    Sunshine70Smith Posts: 97 Member
    The last couple of days haven't been as good as I wanted to be. Last night I was at a dinner meeting for work which included a buffet dinner. I tried not to over do it and made better choices except I intended to decline dessert but didn't... Today is my day off so I have a plan. Workout this morning followed by grocery shopping to stock up on good healthy foods!

    Have a great day everyone.
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Yesterday I was having a horrible day. I was down and stressed and really frustrated. I was so tempted to binge. I was sitting next to a vending machine and had means to get all the candy I could get my hands on. I was tempted by a Carmel iced coffee ( about 500 calories with everything). But I posted here instead and bought a water. After my class I went to the gym and worked out all my stress.. I'm disappointed though because I checked my weight and I gained 3 pounds. I've been working out more so I'm thinking it's just water retention

    Good job for taking back your day!
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    Its only 5PM where I am, but I have been having cravings like nobodys business since late last night! Around 11PM I was thisclose to binging!! I wanted EVERYTHING! Thank goodness we have like.. nothing in the house to tempt me!! I didn't eat anything but some radishes to fill me up so YAAAAAYYY about that!

    So yeah.. I don't know why I'm wanting to just eat everything.. it might be hormone related tho.. sigh. Stinkin time of month!! :grumble:
    I've made room in my daily calorie goal to have an Arbys Turkey & Swiss wrap with extra lettuce and onion, ( according to the site its 490 cals) so I still have something to look forward to tonight without going over my cal goal!

    I will stay strong and not binge!! Promise! :happy: