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  • karriechambers
    karriechambers Posts: 32 Member
    bad night last night errr.... so frustrating
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member

    Friends wanna party this weekend! Arg.. first week of November and temptation is starring me right in the FACE!!

  • JustMeee333
    Yesterday was awful (Calorie wise), but it was a family celebration which consisted of a takeaway, sweets, etc. I enjoyed the day, so didn't even think about calories.

    And today, was my first "good" day in a little while, I think I may have just gone slightly over but really not by much. Feeling quite hungry at the minute though, so going to head to bed before the urge to eat becomes unbearable :smile:
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member

    What kind of party is it?? Can you just make sure you eat a really filling meal before you go out/to their house?? Maybe bring along some low cal snacks for you? Pop a big bag of air popped popcorn and take that with you.

    I have heard that clear liquors are lower in calories than darker ones, tho Im not sure about that. If I have a drink its usually Vodka, lime and diet tonic water. Make sure you drink plenty of water in between a couple of drinks. If its too much of a temptation maybe you could just go for a little bit. So you can see your friends but get out before the cravings get too bad..

    Just a few thoughts...
  • thenewmoni
    thenewmoni Posts: 30 Member
    Been doing ok the past couple of days. I tend to binge more when i go out with friends and co workers. I've been avoiding requests to hang out so i don't have to deal with the temptations. I'm trying to work on me for a while and get the binge eating monster under control
  • blizzardsmom
    blizzardsmom Posts: 63 Member
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    I made it thru the day. Its TOM and I'm actually not hungry, but ate up to my cal goal cause tonight my friend is coming over, who I haven't seen in a while, and there will probbably be a drink or 2 involved. I'm not much of a drinker (thankfully) so I'm fine with that.. but shes like.. 130 pounds and eats all the time and really unhealthy stuff! She always brings over chips and snacks cause shes always eating! Seriously!
    I made room in my daily calorie goal to have a big bown of air popped popcorn, but I'm kinda feeling like I will be tempted. I have to learn how to deal with things like this. Its not fair to tell her she can't eat or bring what she wants to my house cause I don't want to see it. Sigh.

    I think I'll be ok. But I feel like if I tell you guys about it ahead of time, it will help me to stay strong. I have to remember not to give up what I want the most, for what I want right now.
  • sirena715
    sirena715 Posts: 229
    Today was a really bad day for food with me, I didn't eat anything good for me:( this is twice this week I am so upset with myself..( I have a gluten allergy) and today I bought my boys pizza for dinner with bread sticks I ended up eating 4.5 bread sticks at 100 cals a pop. and a small slice of pizza, I can barley talk and my head is killing me. the other day I only ate candy all freaking day... although I stay in my calorie limit It makes me feel really bad about myself.... I NEED A LIFE.
  • SheGlistensasSheSings
    Thanks so much for Sharing!!
  • MsMischief
    MsMischief Posts: 32 Member
    Yesterday was a weird day, food-wise. While I did go some over my calorie goal, that was mainly the 3 pints of cider I had, but I walked off the excess when we walked home from uni, a 3 mile walk.

    Today has been better, back at counting 'dem calories, but today is halloween and I'm likely to have chocolate when snuggling up with a film and my SO. Still unsure about what dinner'll look like, but at least it isn't take-away, so there's a small victory in that.

    Tomorrow the challenge starts for real.
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    Day 1 of the No Binge November-
    Its that TOM an I wanted to have really bad foods all day, but I stood strong! I took a nap in the late afternoon when I was really craving some greasy fast food. (and usually I don't even like greasy foods)
    I made it thru the first day. I felt like since it was officially November I perversely wanted to stuff food in my face because I "couldn't" .. am I the only one who felt like this today??? :noway:

    How did everyone else do?
  • dandysandy7
    dandysandy7 Posts: 26 Member
    Made it today :)
  • blizzardsmom
    blizzardsmom Posts: 63 Member
    Day 1 and I made it
  • purplepopsicles
    What i don't understand is how do binge eaters lose weight? That doesn't add up in my head if you binge, how can you even loose weight? i see people who have lost a large amount of weight say they are food addicts or binge eaters? How can you loose weight while binging?
    eating above your calorie limit once a week or so can actually boost your metabolism, so non-extreme "binge" eating could help people lose weight . In the case of actual binge eaters/ food addicts, I assume they purge or starve themselves afterwards
    For me, I'm used to eating about 800 calories a day, but then I binge on huge quantities of food about once every ten days, which somehow adds up to my having lost 9lbs in the past two months.
    I'm not obese, but am trying to build a steadier, healthier relationship with food (and get over my addiction to sugar). Feel free to add me!
  • MsMischief
    MsMischief Posts: 32 Member
    I made it (yesterday)! I had a really long day, wasn't home until around 9 pm, so between cooking dinner (and realising I had cooked too much chips, and actually not eating them!) and watching netflix with the S.O, I didn't have the time or need to binge.
    I hope today goes just as well.
  • JustMeee333
    I felt like since it was officially November I perversely wanted to stuff food in my face because I "couldn't" .. am I the only one who felt like this today??? :noway:

    Yep, I felt that too.... Only, *Hands up*, I failed! I think because I knew I "couldn't", it was on my mind to binge ALL DAY, arrrrggghhhh.. So I did end up eating quite a bit later on lastnight, but trying to claw it back today by undereating a little. Not healthy, I know, but I'm really trying to get a grip on things and hoping this will do it.

    Ah well, here's to the other 29 days, that I hope are a lot better. :drinker:
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    Day 2 of No Binge November-

    I did fine all day, then at about 9:30pm I opened the fridge and looked at what was in there and had to forcefully slam it shut. I wasn't even HUNGRY, but I wanted to eat still!! Sick!
    I took a loooong hot shower and then decided that I still wanted to munch, so I grabbed a large sandwich baggie full of radishes and I'm busily munching on em right now! I WILL not allow myself to get up an go downstairs and raid the fridge! I am the one who controls my body, not the other way around. I have lived too long with being under this sick habit of feeling out of control to binges and food!! I'm taking back my body now!

    Hope everyones day went ok. :flowerforyou:
  • MsMischief
    MsMischief Posts: 32 Member
    I baked brownies and made slow cooker lasagne yesterday. And I didn't go over. I only had a little bit of the brownies, I accidentally skipped lunch and had a slightly large portion of the lasagne. No alcohol, no sweets, no snacking or pecking in between or after meals. Considering that was a SATURDAY I am really very pleased with myself.
  • VanillaBeanSeed
    VanillaBeanSeed Posts: 562 Member
    Day 2 of No Binge November-

    I did fine all day, then at about 9:30pm I opened the fridge and looked at what was in there and had to forcefully slam it shut. I wasn't even HUNGRY, but I wanted to eat still!! Sick!
    I took a loooong hot shower and then decided that I still wanted to munch, so I grabbed a large sandwich baggie full of radishes and I'm busily munching on em right now! I WILL not allow myself to get up an go downstairs and raid the fridge! I am the one who controls my body, not the other way around. I have lived too long with being under this sick habit of feeling out of control to binges and food!! I'm taking back my body now!

    Hope everyones day went ok. :flowerforyou:

    Some times you gotta have that little snack! Good job at keeping it under control!
    I baked brownies and made slow cooker lasagne yesterday. And I didn't go over. I only had a little bit of the brownies, I accidentally skipped lunch and had a slightly large portion of the lasagne. No alcohol, no sweets, no snacking or pecking in between or after meals. Considering that was a SATURDAY I am really very pleased with myself.


    now I want brownies ;)
  • karriechambers
    karriechambers Posts: 32 Member
    slip up yesterday but so far so good today!!