bubblybabeuk Member


  • I have an FT4 but I use ultrasound gel and it works like a dream. I put mine on before I leave home and it dries out if I only use water before I get to class.
  • Kathy you will always have a flower, its just grows the more active you are, sit down and it starts to die:( Just aim for 10000 steps or as near as you can get each day. I am failing miserably today. I have had a FitBit One for about 20 months, got to admit this my second one, first one fell apart, this model is so much…
  • I have been reading lots more recently since starting as a volunteer driver for the elderly, I now spend lots of time in hospitals waiting for my clients. Just ploughing my way through some trashy summer reading on my kindle that only cost 99pence a book off Amazon!
  • Hi that's all I take, I have been doing zumba for about 2 years. I also found that dance trainers are much easier on your knees as they spin and slide better on the floor. Possibly something you want to look at if you decide to continue with it. Zumba is a fun workout, it all depends on your instructor as to how high…
  • Hello Debbie, great to have you on board. This is a fantastic bunch of girls with great advice. Good luck on your journey and we are happy to share it with you. Add me as a friend if you like. Mandy xx
  • Yes you found me Terri, request accepted. Caren I think I have found you! :) Mandy xx
  • Struggling to find you too Terri. My profile pic is of me laughing with a turquoise feather in my hair on the right side. I live in Bramshaw and work at Bubbly Beads Jewellery. Hope that helps! Mandy x
  • Hi Sue Welcome to our special group, feel free to add me as friend. Good luck with your journey and you are right there is no excuses now! :o) Mandy x
  • Look you cannot calorie count every single day, life gets in the way at times. Forget about being 200 calories over, write it off and carry on. As for the weekend just take it as it comes make the best choices you can and start again next week. Drink plenty of water, stay away from fried food and try and get as much…
  • Hey welcome back, glad you had a fab holiday and so what if you put a couple of kgs on. Sounds like you had a lovely time and Croatia sounds wonderful. Well done on the running. Mandy x
  • Hi and welcome I was 50 in March and yes you are more than close enough. Feel free to friend me too. I try and stay off the message boards if I can and use my mfp friends or groups for advice, the message boards can get ugly at times. Good luck with your journey, take baby steps and one day at a time. There will be days…
    in Hi! Comment by bubblybabeuk August 2013
  • Yeah great idea I am Mandy Giddings Bramshaw, UK
  • I weigh in officially once a week but cannot get out of the habit of having a peak every morning! Its bad I know cos its up an down like a yoyo. Thankfully there is no scale here on vacation! I take my measurements once a month too which is actually a much more accurate reflection on what I am doing. Mandy x
  • Hi I am Mandy from the UK, I usually sign my posts though :)
  • Hang in there honey, everyone reacts differently you just need to find your groove. It may take a lot of messing about but it will be worth it. Give it a couple more weeks doing what you are doing and then change something around and see if that works. I exercise a lot too but its my diet that makes the difference, If I…
  • Add me too xx
  • Hi Welcome! Take each day as it comes, we all screw up, so if you have eaten something that you feel you shouldn't have, done't use that as an excuse to through the whole day away, just write it off as a lousy choice and carry on. If you are completely new to healthy eating don't try to change too much at once, try…
  • When I was young I was tiny, all skin and bone and ate anything I wanted, put a around 20lbs or so when i got married and was then a healthy weight, first child was a breeze weight wise, second child was another story. I put on loads of weight and never quiet got rid of all and that was the start of the rot. Even then I…
  • Me too thanks for the invite. I was 50 in March and refuse to roll over and give up, in any case its the new 40 isn't it? Mandy x
  • Hi Add me too I was 50 this year but refuse to give in, I have been trying to lose the same 7-10lbs for forever! Mandy x
  • Elliptical or bike, that's what physio told me to use after surgery. Take it easy and see how it goes. Good luck xx
  • Hi I have looked back through your diary and it seems that you are overloading on carbs, a lot of them processed and not eating anywhere near enough protein. You really need to hit your TDEE -20% a day or as close as you can get, if you don't log you cannot know what you are consuming. Really take a look at your food…
  • Hi, you should not wear your HRM all day, only use it for workouts, if you read the literature it will tell you not to wear it all the time. My RHR is usually around 80 but can be higher depending on my allergy levels, I am 50 and 129lbs. Good luck
  • Hi firstly muscle does not weigh more than fat, it is rubbish, 1lb is 1lb! Muscle is denser than fat but that is it. I am 50 in three days and have struggled with body fat. Like you I do two or three body pump classes, three zumba classes and pilates, but still body fat was an issue, particularly around my middle. About a…
  • Hi Erik, happy birthday for when it gets here. Well done on taking that first step on your journey. A long journey it may be but as long as you are moving forward each day, one foot in front of the other, better choices, not beating yourself up when you fall off the wagon, picking yourself up and moving forward when it…
  • You will be better off eating clean for 5 days, just eat veggies, meat, fish, eggs and natural live yogurt, only drink water or herbal teas. Oh and you can eat 50g brown rice a day too. No fruit, no sugar, no caffeine, no wheat no dairy apart form the yogurt. I am following the Harcombe plan and this five days is called…
  • The Rapids Leisure Centre here in England
  • Good luck to you all, take it one day at a time, one step at a time. When you stuff up don't use it as an excuse to blow the whole day, we all do it but it doesn't have to be a total disaster. Move more, track food, drink water and have fun :) Mandy x
  • The Harcombe Diet identifies any food intolerances, in the first five days you exclude, wheat and dairy. You also don't count calories ever! In Phase 2 you do not mix carbs and protein in any meal, its one or the other, so your body has no option but to use fat for energy with a purely protein meal. All I know that so far…