

  • Great job with starting out! I've been at this since September, and I've lost 38 pounds. My profile doesn't give me credit for all of it because I didn't record that I gained when I feel back into bad habits. Some things that have worked for me are giving up processed foods. Processed foods are addictive, and once you…
  • That's scary. I'm glad that I never took the shot. I do take the pill. I'm not sure how much that has contributed to weight gain if at all. I'm sure it doesn't help.
  • Hi! You and I are in pretyy similar boats. I'm so overweight that I'm terrified that I won't be able to have kids. I'm 29 right now. I'm not married, but I have been in a relationship for 4 years and I imagine that we will go that way. I'm hoping that this website helps me. I had been using the app, but got off track. Now…
  • I just started using it on the computer. I'm looking for fitness buddies as well, but I'm not sure how to friend people. I will try to friend you!