

  • As far as your weight goes, keep in mind that muscle weighs more than fat. Therefore, even if you burned a lot of fat and lost weight in that area, you may have put on muscle mass. That's a good thing. You should try measuring your thighs, waist, arms, neck, and hips every few weeks to see if you are really making…
  • I don't know if that's possible or not, but I've had a lot of physical therapy for symmetry issues in my hips (running injuries) and if you are that asymmetrical, it could cause you soon injuries down the road after you exercise for a while. You may want to ask a doctor about that just to be sure it's not throwing your…
  • If you're exercising, try changing it up a bit. Check out this article, does a good job of explaining how you burn calories efficiently. http://www.active.com/running/Articles/How-to-Burn-More-Calories-on-Your-Run.htm?cmp=282&memberid=103630096&lyrisid=21733509
  • I just plan my meals in advance and count backwards. If I know I want a 500+ meal for dinner, I need to stick to around 300-400 for lunch, and if I want snacks I have to make it to the gym. If I know I'm not going to the gym that day, I try to avoid having an soda because I know I don't have the extra 150 calories in my…
  • One more suggestion--muscle mass weighs more than fat. So if you truly are working out a lot, it's possible that you are gaining muscle and losing fat at the same time, thus a weight gain. Most people don't have access to a body fat scale, but you can still monitor progress by taking your waist, thigh, hips, and neck…
  • Well, it's a good idea to give your muscles a day off. However, you could cross train on your "off day" and work on different muscle groups. For instance, sounds like you mainly use your legs only. On your off day, you could lift free weights, do some ab work, push ups, etc. Anything that will focus on your core strength…
  • Dramamine--hands down. It's easy and doesn't make me drowsy as long as I only use one every 4 hours. I also find that, oddly enough, Pretzel/Cheddar Cheese Combos are great for calming a motion sick stomach. That said, I'm sure those calories would be worse than your other options.
  • If you've been working out, you could have gained muscle--that's what is happening to me. I lost 5 lbs and now I'm only down 1 lb, but what I've gained back is muscle. If you have access to a scale with a body fat calculator or you get it measured by someone, do so--it's more accurate than just tracking your weight. I have…
  • Well, I think cooking is half the battle--there is so much sodium and other stuff in pre-packaged foods. That's not to say I don't eat pre-packaged foods, but I try to cook (or assemble) at least one meal per day. My favorite bread is Arnold Dutch Country Whole Wheat--it's not low in calories, but it tastes good and is a…
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