

  • That is just amazing!! Thank you for tracking your journey so completely. Keep up the phenomenal work!!!
  • Does anyone else have issues with fat or boob getting in the way of the bending and stretching? There are some exercises that I have to modify because my ab flab squishes and I can't bend like Shaun T wants. I'm not alone in this, right??
  • Today is week 2 day 2 for me. This is my 3rd attempt at Insanity in the last 2 1/2 years...with a couple of pregnancies stopping me. I picked my end date first so that I would be done the week of my 35th birthday. I am DETERMINED to get the weight off this time! 10 days in and I am 6 lbs down!! Please add me to keep each…
  • I started on the 24th, but I need accountability partners/cheerleaders!! Count me in :)