About 15 pounds lighter then current weight, at my wedding reception. A child, age 8ish?, belonging to a family friend walked up to me, raised my arm in front of the new in-laws, and demanded "Hey Aunt -name-, Show them your big muscles!" before I could stop him. Not sure if I was embarrassed by him doing it in front of…
English, ASL, French, and my favorite, Troll.
vape juice vaporizer (ecig) Tazo Tea wrapper 2 cats breast pump. Gah, I need to clean up.
Did I pass out?..... *cue slow grin*
WW victim, er user in the past and I feel for ya. What I ended up deciding is giving myself a 'me' day. On this day (planned according to event such as going to the bar or dinner with the extended family), I allow myself to just do whatever I like. The whole week I keep tight portion controls, pay attention, be a good girl…
I'll join you in this boat, though my research has not been started in this department. This conversation will definitely give something to chew on.
Hang out with looks interesting in that outfit! I'm sure there's a story
- ... from another forum on here. XD
Junk food junky, and 'quick foods' at that. Long ago, during a stint with weight watchers' point system, Pizza Rolls shocked me. The serving size itself was 6 pieces (if I remember right) and worth 18 points which roughly translates to 900ish calories for a 'just a quick dinner' serving at 24 pieces. peanut butter,…