

  • If your talking about Greek Yogurt..... Dannon Light Greek Yogurt is great and only 80 calories...
  • Hello There, One of my favorite inspirational Quotes is "There is strength in Numbers", I truly believe this. When you are feeling down or discouraged, reach out for support. You are going through NOTHING that someone else hasn't already experienced, when you succeed, you can be proud of yourself and hopefully have made…
  • Hi There, I know it is very difficult getting started, but you can do it! I wrote this little motivational blurb, last week, maybe this will help you a bit: To all of My Fitness Pals.... Hang in there, the result is worth it! Nothing is more valuable than your health! This is not a DIET, it is a new way of living.. All…
  • A pound is a unit of measurement, no matter what you are weighing (water, fat, muscle, or fudge), a pound is a pound. The mass of the items being weighed is different. When we build muscle, our "mass" or outward appearance appears smaller and more toned, even though we might have gained a little or stayed the same. The…
  • Debra, Hang in there, I have been doing this a little over 2 weeks now, and the weight is finally starting to slowly disappear. I am exercising twice a day, for approximately 45 minutes at a time. I have never done that before, but the longer I do it the easier it is becoming; especially because I am starting to feel a…
  • Generally, all soda is bad, even diet soda. There are so many chemicals in them, and the artificial sweeteners in the diet soda seems to make me crave things more. The BEST beverage you can choose is water, I know that it is boring, but you can spice it up a little by adding lemon or lime, Ice cold water is very satisfying…
  • Friends are always a gift, and even more precious when you are working toward the same goal. I have about 50 pounds to lose, but am a post menopausal working girl, who makes any excuse to sit in front of the TV when I have free time. I am willing to be your anchor and your sounding board through this journey; maybe knowing…
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