
  • skszalai
    skszalai Posts: 8
    Hi There,

    I know it is very difficult getting started, but you can do it! I wrote this little motivational blurb, last week, maybe this will help you a bit:

    To all of My Fitness Pals.... Hang in there, the result is worth it! Nothing is more valuable than your health! This is not a DIET, it is a new way of living.. All that means is, we have to focus on portion control (moderation) and exercise. You can still have some of the things you want, just less... Remember to record everything that you eat in order to stay accountable and true to yourself. When diddling around the house, keep telling yourself that NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels!!! That is very true. No bites, likes or tastes unless you plan to record it and add a little more exercise to compensate. If we stick together, we can do this... there is strength in numbers.

    Please feel free to contact me at any time; I have spent my entire life yo yo ing, but finally decided, I love life, and if I don't straighten up, it will be a short one. Genetics are defiantly not on my side, so I am fighting an uphill battle. My Fitness, Pal has helped me a great deal! There is an app you can download for you phone (pd version best), but there is a free version, called Endmundo Pro. This app helps you track you exercise and transfers it to the My Fitness Pal Database... When I walk, it tracks my speed, distance (via GPS) and calories burned.. you can choose what you want it to track for you, it is very cool!

    Hang in there I am here to talk if you need an ear...

  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Just wanted to say that I admire you for being so brave and admitting your addiction and reaching out for help. It is not easy. I started at +365lbs. It's not easy every day is a battle and I lose most of my battles, but I'm still here not dead.

    We can do it as long as we are still breathing every day is another chance to do a little better. Don't try to do too much. Focus on something easy.
  • htimsm87
    htimsm87 Posts: 104 Member
    1. No all or none thinking.....what this means is that before I would go all in or all out. I would go crazy eating "healthy" ...I would do that for a bit then as soon as I "messed up" I was like well there I go again ...I screwed it up....I might as well make it worth it ....and I'd go right back to eating crap. I found I had that in a lot of areas of my life. You should start off by making small changes. Make small goals like, start eating breakfast .....or maybe trying to get a least 8 glasses of water, or stop drinking soda. Once you accomplish that, and another small goal. You cant go from lets say a 3,000 cal diet to a 1,500 in one day. Thats crazy. You did not become this way over night, dont expect to change over night. We dont need to diet but, to change our lifestyle.

    Can't stress this enough. Find one or maybe two things to do for two weeks. After you have done those add one more on. Also maybe not even go all the way, for example soda instead of saying I won't drink any soda anymore say I'll cut back to only 25% of what I was drinking before. Set small goals, achieve that goal make it a habit and set a new one.

    Also don't set big goals with strict time limits on them. For example say I want to lose 100 lbs in six months. Another way to look at is: I want to make continued health improvements with a steady weight lose for six months.

    An article that just got emailed to me this morning that I though was interesting is a success story which isn't all about the scale. From Tom Venuto at Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle ( It's a quick three minute read success story (don't be intimidated by the pictures on the site).
  • libbybond
    libbybond Posts: 36
    Welcome and congratulations! Grocery shop once a week. Buy whole foods ie: Romaine lettuce (not bag of Lettuce) cauliflower ( not frozen) All Fresh stuff. Concentrate on fruits, vegetables, raw nuts, eggs, milk, lean meats, whole multigrain breads. etc. It becomes a habit eating this way. Eat breakfast, lunch (pack your own) and dinner everyday. I never partake in fast food or any type frozen prepared meal (lean cousine). My downfall is Alcohol. If food was also a problem for me I would be right up there with you. It has taken me 30yrs to develope good eating habits. Now I'm working on the drinking.
  • KenDubya74
    KenDubya74 Posts: 196 Member
    You're taking the first steps now... just keep stepping, it's already been said "Dont quit", you will falter sometimes and fall off the wagon but dont give up...get back on and get moving again. And I agree with Alexis_is_hawks, it's not a journey (I've used the term before myself) it's more changing your lifestyle and teaching yourself control. Just remember you can do this...tell yourself you will do this. Surround yourself with supportive folks as well. One day at a time, one meal at a time... just remember to track! I wish you the best of luck!
  • BorgieMN
    BorgieMN Posts: 116 Member
    It can be done. The fast food was the first thing to go for me.

    You will finish this journey and never look back. All the "suffering" you will go through will be worth it.

    You can read my story at If i can do it, you can too. I wish you the best on the task at hand.

  • ekaustin7
    ekaustin7 Posts: 185 Member
    My mother has always told me, and I think she's right, that it takes 21 days to really make something a habit. It's going to be hard, but by March 28th, it should just be habit and you'll start to make healthier choices without having to work at it. Keep it up, stay strong and the difficulty will pass before you know it! You're doing this for all the right reasons and you will be so happy and proud of yourself when you see what these changes will do for you! Xoxo
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    I sent you a message along with a friend request!!
  • ChefSchnauzer
    ChefSchnauzer Posts: 29 Member
    Hey HUGE congratulations. I hit 391 on February 28th and dicided enough was enough. I'm using protein shakes and sparkling water to jump start my diet. I've been on the yo-yo and this isn't my first time to the dance. I am a classically trained Chef, I fight a food obsession and I love to cook. The hard choice is reform or die. My obesity is directly tied to my mental health and stress levels. The Benedictine triangle - Body, Mind, Spirit all equal all balanced is important to me.

    Anyway - best of luck!
  • tRiNaBeAnZz
    tRiNaBeAnZz Posts: 114 Member
    Hey, congrats on starting your journey. We all started somewhere. It's scary, hard, and frustrating. Here's what works for me - I still eat fast food, dessert, ranch dressing, etc. The only difference is, I eat all these things in moderation. I order grilled chicken instead of fried. I order salad instead of fries. I do not feel deprived. I got rid of all of the junk out of my fridge and cabinet, so if I go on a snack raid I grab greek yogurt, fruit, or veggies. I exercise 5-6 times a week. It was hard to start exercising because I have never been an athelete, never active before. But I enjoy it now. You will be suprised how much stress it relieves and how much better I feel about myself after I push through a tough workout.

    Like others have mentioned, you are taking the first steps to a healthier lifestyle. Feel free to add me, as I am always here for support. MyFitnessPal is a great tool to assist you with healthier options. I know it has helped me a lot, after logging for a few months and discovering how terrible my choices were. It's only a chicken wrap from McDonalds, I only ate two, yeah...600 calories wonder! That's half my day!

    Portion control, exercise, healthier substitutions. It's not about eating food you don't like. Don't force yourself to eat healthy and then go on a binge of fast food. Just add it in a few times a week and try healthier options.

    Good luck! :)
  • Richie2shoes
    Richie2shoes Posts: 412 Member
    Good job on starting a change. Feel free to friend me. I'm at a similar weight and know where you're coming from. If you can control your portions, there isn't any reason you have to completely eliminate all your favorites. My diary is open to friends and I eat a pretty "normal" diet. No special foods, no special meals. I make some healthier substitutions when I can but still enjoy a couple slices of pizza every once in a while.
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    Congratulations on the very first step. Like many others, the best advise I can offer is one day at a time, one step at a time!

    Get up and move, and making your own healthy meals is the biggest thing for right now... if you can start that then you will start dropping weight quickly!

    Good luck and if you need help I am always looking for more friends :happy:
  • PTMama0614
    PTMama0614 Posts: 31 Member
    You have already made a positive choice and that's to get healthy and lose weight. The journey will be filled with lots of ups and downs, don't allow that to overwhelm you. Start by making small changes in your life. Plan your meals and bring food to work with you. Knowing what you are going to eat that day makes it less tempting to go out and buy the junk food. Do a cost comparison as to how much you where spending on junk food and how much you will spend on preparing your own meals. I bring my breakfast, lunch and snacks to work with me everyday. I also keep a case of water in my office. Some snack suggestions are fresh fruit, veggies such as red peppers, carrots or anything you like to snack on. Both of those will help to satisfy your "crunch" craving. Before you eat, try to drink a cup of water which will help fill you up. When you go shopping try to park far away from the store that way you will get more steps in. You are in the right place and I hope you have received nothing but positive feed back. Everyone's journey is different but in the end, we all want the same, to be a healthier us! Your body will thank you for it and so will your health. Feel free to add me if you'd like. My food diary is open to my MFP friends. Most importantly, when you are feeling discouraged, DON'T GIVE UP!
  • neva4saken
    neva4saken Posts: 300 Member
    First congrats on taking your life back and making the first steps towards the new you. Secondly three years ago I was weighing in at 365lbs. I was diagnosed as morbid obese, I was full of shame and agony. My body was telling me the whole time that it was spiraling out of control, however my low self-esteem made it hard for me to get a grip on reality. Now that you've come to a place in life where you're ready to bring an end to the life I can tell you from being there myself. Do not be afraid of becoming a better you, the comfort zone of where you are currently at is easy to want to stay there. It's not worth dying there however, you're worth more than that. Do not be afriad of the pain of exercise, hard work, and consistency is going to be part of the keys to a better healthier you. Replace bad habits/bad eating with good habits/good eating, it feels miserable in the beginning because your body is used to being in control and your mental state is usually falling victim to it. You've trained your body (such as I did) to feel that fast food is it's friend when it's not. It will take some time to re-program your body and your mind just stick with it. Months, years of faulty programming cannot be deleted in a few days, or weeks. It's a life altering exchange. You can do it, how do i know? Because I did, I was 6'0 365lbs wore a size 54 pants, size 22 shirt and without the help or aid of any drugs, surgeries, or starvation I found success, just hard work and committment. Feel free to add me as a friend if you want. I am elated to see you've made your first step and trust me you're not alone.
  • MizTerry
    MizTerry Posts: 3,763 Member
    Honey, if you have a craving for something, throw it up on the boards asking for healthier alternatives and you'll get LOTS of ideas.
  • _DaniD_
    _DaniD_ Posts: 2,186 Member
    just remember: No matter how many times you fall off the wagon, it's still a win when you get back on.

    ^ This. It's SO important to realize this. That's why people fail at losing weight so often...they fall off the wagon, disappoint themselves and just give up thinking they ruined everything. Falling off the wagon is almost guaranteed to happen. Continuing to get back on is what will make you successful.
  • AleshiaBunting
    AleshiaBunting Posts: 48 Member
    Congratulations on taking your first step! Super proud of you!

    Feel free to add me! I'm a really good cheerleader!
  • You just have to decide you want to change. Becoming a fit healthy person is simply a series of small daily choices. There is no magic.

    It isn't easy but it is simple
  • lucietelfort
    lucietelfort Posts: 9 Member
    First things, first. Congratulations on taking the first step. I can totally relate. I'm in the same weight bracket at 372 and started MFP again about 3 weeks ago. you have do have to start somewhere and from there you take it slowly day by day. Best thing is to try and stay focused. I am fast food junkie too. Planning is key. By planning your meals, you are removing the need to go to the fast food places. I hope this helps and MFP has an awesome community of people who are experiencing the same issues and don't mind helping you with advice. Wish you the best.
  • thecanface
    thecanface Posts: 1,180 Member
    the fact that you're here is a step in the right direction. just make sure you log log log, even when its not the right food choice, log it so that you see the actual numbers of what your eating. just take it one step at a time.