

  • Hi everyone =) I just got a Striiv Smart today and I am loving it. I competed all of my easy challenges and it was really fun. I would love to get some friends on there though to further my motivation =)
  • I just got a striiv. I don't have the play but the "smart pedometer" today was my first day using it but I do like it so far =)
  • I'm late to the thread but that would be because I just joined the site :tongue: But I'm from Naples, FL and wanted to be included in this gathering of Floridians :happy:
  • I think I'll do my first weigh in now as well since the major Christmas damage is over :tongue: Age: 23 Height: 5'3 Current Weight: 194.5 lbs Challenge Goal (by Vday): 180-182 lbs Goal weight: 140 lbs Ultimate Goal weight: 130 lbs Workouts: I am really out of shape right now so first thing I am majorly going to focus on…
  • Hi everyone :smile: My name is Jen and I am 22 years old. I just joined MyFitnessPal today. This will be my first challenge and I am excited to start! I have struggled with my weight pretty much my entire life. Even when I was very involved in sports, I have always been "big boned" and as a result bigger than all of my…