1st Weigh In!

I'm actually starting a little early...I'm starting a three day cleanse tomorrow to jump start myself!
Here's my first weigh in:

Age: 31
Height: 5'5.5"
Current Weight: 195 lbs
Challenge Goal (by Vday): 180-185 lbs
Goal weight: 150 lbs
Ultimate Goal weight: 135 lbs
Workouts: I'm so out of shape, so I'll start with Walk Away the Pound and then 2 weeks into challenge I will start 30 Day Shred
Calories: 1200-1400/day

Good Luck everyone!!!


  • mlanggin88
    mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
    Hey the earlier the better.......

    I am creating a spread sheet of everyones starting weight.... Love the goals you made.... I have to get back in the speed of working out again........... I was so faithful and then blah...
  • Saritamac25
    Saritamac25 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey the earlier the better.......

    I am creating a spread sheet of everyones starting weight.... Love the goals you made.... I have to get back in the speed of working out again........... I was so faithful and then blah...

    Same here!!! But here we go, back in track :-)
  • tls723
    tls723 Posts: 14
    I think I'm going to follow Saritamac's lead and weigh-in early. I feel like I need to start NOW after the damage done at Christmas!

    Age: 26
    Height: 5'1"
    Current Weight: 170
    Challenge Goal: 159 (will be out of the obese BMI range)
    Ultimate Goal: 130s... or lower!
  • I would like to weigh in now also.
    Current weight: 261
    Goal for challenge: 250
    Age: 22
    Reason: to feel confident when at beach on vacation with 3 kids in may.
  • xSakura
    xSakura Posts: 288 Member
    I'll weigh in now too :smile:

    Age: 20
    Height: 4'11"
    Current Weight: 188.4
    Challenge Goal: 178
    Ultimate Goal: 130
  • Weighing in Early too.... Need as much encouragement as possible so feel free to Add me!
    Age - 27
    Height - 5'4
    Current weight : 238.2
    Goal by Vday - 225
    Overall Goal - 160
  • cristina3980
    cristina3980 Posts: 44 Member
    Going to weight in early too....

    Goal by Vday-194
    Overall goal-130

    Feel free to add me I need a lot of encouragement!!!!!
  • Hi Ladies ,

    Im happy to join another challenge! My first challenge i joined was in Sept 2012 and it was a success for me . Challenges keeps me motivated believe it or not .

    Age: 33
    Height: 5ft 8in
    Current weight: 186.5
    Challenge weight goal: 176
    Ultimate weight goal: 150lbs

    My workouts for our 6week challenge will consist of Zumba and cardio
  • Starting early too!!!

    Age: 34
    Height: 5'2
    Current Weight: 139
    Challenge weight goal: 129
    Main goal: 120
  • mlanggin88
    mlanggin88 Posts: 209 Member
    Look at all of you go! I will start getting everything in now :) I will try to keep a excel log for everyone just in case someone needs to know.....


    MY STARTING WEIGHT FOR THE CHALLENGE IS 260.4! I have already worked out today too.............. Feels good.. might just change this to 7 Weeks till VDAY Challenge
  • laf0195
    laf0195 Posts: 71 Member
    Hiya! Since we're all starting early, I might as well too!
    Name: Lauren
    Age: 18
    Height: 5'5"
    Current weight: 190lbs
    Goal by V-Day: 175lbs (ambitious, but it's a challenge, so might as well challenge myself!)
    Ultimate Goal: 140lbs
    Food intake: 1200-1400 kcal daily
    Exercise plans: I'll start with Walk Away the Pounds and a stationary bike, since I can do those at home and indoors. It's winter, you know.
  • red_road
    red_road Posts: 761 Member
    Age: 22
    Height: 5'8"
    Current Weight: 195 lbs
    Challenge Goal (by Vday): 180lbs
    Goal weight: 160 lbs
    Ultimate Goal weight: 150 lbs
    Workouts: Kettlenetics
    Calories: 1200/day
  • Hi All:

    I just joined and I'm excited to get started in the new year.:smile:
  • Andrewrigh
    Andrewrigh Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All,

    First off Please add me! I could use some encouragement since I think the last time one of my friends has logged on was about 3 months ago lol.

    I'd like to weigh in for the challege.

    Age: 22
    Height: 5'5"
    Current Weight: 195
    Challenge Goal: 185
    Goal Weight: 150

  • deb3690
    deb3690 Posts: 59 Member
    OK here goes...the first weigh in:

    Age: 51
    Height: 5ft 7in
    Current weight: 170
    Challenge weight goal: 160
    Ultimate weight goal: 140lbs

    Exercise goal: walking, cardio, weight lifting and I got a few personal training sessions booked to help me be more motivated! I'm going back to a vegan diet ....see Dr McDougall diet if you are interested or curious.
  • Hi Ladies,

    I will weigh in now.

    Age: 29
    Height: 5'0
    Current weight: 195
    Challenge weight goal: 180-185
    Ultimate weight goal: 145

    I plan on continuing to use Zumba Core to aid me in my weight loss goal (especially because I am addicted :)) and daily physical activity (chasing a 2 and 3 year old and cleaning up after four children 5 if you include my husband). I will also incorporates some strength training. I look forward to doing this challenge! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE:)
  • I think I'll do my first weigh in now as well since the major Christmas damage is over :tongue:

    Age: 23
    Height: 5'3
    Current Weight: 194.5 lbs
    Challenge Goal (by Vday): 180-182 lbs
    Goal weight: 140 lbs
    Ultimate Goal weight: 130 lbs
    Workouts: I am really out of shape right now so first thing I am majorly going to focus on increasing my "daily steps" by wearing a pedometer and having a goal of 8,000-10,000 steps and doing body weight exercises to start toning up :smile:
  • Timby1
    Timby1 Posts: 294 Member
    Okay.....I'll start now, too.

    SW: 172.5 (it's actually a bit more due to water retention, but that should go away soon)
    GW: 162.5 that's going to really push me, but it is a challenge after all!
    UGW: 145 (I think)
    Height: 5'6"
    Age: 50 (turning 51 the week after Valentines Day)

    Plan: 6Pack in 6weeks, walking/hiking, back in training for another 5k (hopefully a mud run!)

    We CAN do this!
  • MrsJonSamuels
    MrsJonSamuels Posts: 53 Member
    I might as well join the fun!!!

    Age: 36
    Weight: 249
    Challenge goal:230
    My Goal weight: 170
    Ultimate goal weight: 155

    Plan on working out at least 5 days a weeks!!!! Wish me LUCK!!!
  • Age: 30
    Weight 188.2
    Challenge goal :175
    Ultimate goal: 164

    I will work out 5 days per week and consume 1200 calories per day