summerrose36 Member


  • I know the feeling. I have PCOS and trying to lose weight may seem impossible, but it is possible. Have you tried to look into options? South beach, low carb/high protein?
  • Way to go on everyone's achievements.. I have about 150lbs to lose and I've been doing as much exercise as I can. (water aerobics, weight lifting, walking, ect, aerobic classes, ect)My main goal this year is to participate in a Zombie Run this fall. I've been a spectator the last couple years, but never a participant. Feel…
  • I'm going to make a very long story short. I was always heavy throughout life and I thought it was due to overeating, yet I was active . When I was 26 yrs old and I was ready to have a child with my husband, My GYN confirmed to me I have PCOS. I had no clue what that was but doing a lot of research on this condition it is…
  • I only use slim fast/special K/ carnation breakfast in between meals or if I had a huge lunch and I am going to be over my points/calories per day, I substitute it for a meal. Its ok if you are following your carb intake and want to include protein but it is all a personal preference. Some people may like it, some people…
  • I bagged up a bunch of cookies, fudge and candy so my husband can take them to his coworkers. Less tempation around the home.
  • I started back in 2011 joining MFP and I met some "not so encouraging" people. That made me lose interest and I stopped logging and closed out my account. December 2012, I reopened a new account and I did not log into it until December 2013. What crack the whip was the medical scare I had. It was time I start taking care…
  • I started my new eating plan early December, 2013 after a initial doctors visit which had me concerned. I've been on my plan since(yes, I did indulge over the holiday) My personal goal for 2014 is to be down over 100lbs by December, 2014 before I go on vacation with the family. My mini goals is : Getting rid of…
  • You are more than welcome to add me. I would LOVE to have more encouraging people. I had friends on before but none of them was not really supportive, except for the numbers which made me lose interest.
  • I had started on Saturday and I have to lose 160 lbs to get to my goal weight but I am not looking at that large number. I am looking at smaller goals, such as a 5 lb lost, 10 lbs. I started walking everyday for the last 4 days and yesterday I incorporated some light aerobics in with my exercises. I am close to the Y in my…
  • I will check out some PCOS sites in this site. I would LOVE to do a color run or maybe a Zombie Run/Walk for Fall, 2014. I went to spectate the event this past Fall and overheard some people who was my size or bigger who lost the weight and finally did the run. I was shocked but quite amazed. I always had struggles with my…
  • Wow! Such amazing responses! Thank you all :smile: . I am insulin resistant and have PCOS(polycystic ovarian syndrome for those who do not know). I had a complete workup done. My Blood pressure and thyroid are perfectly normal, except for the insulin which is high. That is the main reason I am doing this to reverse my…
  • That is very useful information. My goal weight is 135. I was told to start slowly but work up gradually. That is why I was interested in walking, as my knees and back are bad due to my weight. I think I would start picking up more speed/time with walking. With Zumba, I would be able to burn more calories.
  • I am definitely going to buy a bike for the spring/summer seasons. I was so afraid due to my weight, I wouldn't be able to hold up on it(to be honest). I have been changing my eating habits. Eating lean proteins, drinking more water and having breakfast instead of skipping. I know this weight will not come off overnight.
  • I have PCOS as well and I am on 500mg of Metformin twice a day. A friend of mine has the same symptom and she followed Weight Watchers, drinking lots of water and LOTS of exercise. She told me the weight hasn't been easy to take off but it allowed her to slowly come off the metformin. I would definitely check Weight…
  • My husband was the same way.. As I learned, you can never change a person around. I would complain on forums and Facebook that my husband refuses to do anything with me or incorporate good habits but as I learned the long hard way. Your husband has to do it for himself. Be a good example to him. If you continue the path of…
  • Real Name: Wendy Height: 5'5 HW: 335 CW: 330 GW: Under 200 UGW: 170 Location- Central Pennsylvania, USA Age: 33 Sex: F No children Married to a great guy for 6 yrs; been together for 11 yrs Diet Plan-Low Carb, South Beach with help of doctors I Strengths- Trying to stay away from fast fried disgusting food. It is hard at…
  • I have a lot of things said to me. When I was in school and didn't know I had PCOS, I was taunted by kids saying "Oh go eat more twinkies, "give it to her, she will eat anything" or " I can not believe you actually fit in that desk" When I started dating:"I wouldn't be with you, but you will be a better **** buddy" :" I…