jenn_2102 Member


  • My name is Jenn. I currently weight 182 lbs. I am currently trying to loose 5% of my body weight. My overall goal is to get into my 150s,
  • Hi, I also use Leslie Sansone walking videos, some of my favorites are: - Heart healthy walk - Walk & Kick - 3 Mile advanced walk (using the resistance band) - 4 Mile super challenge (using the resistance band) - 5 mile calorie burning walk (also using the resistance band) - the power mile - 3 mile super fat burning - walk…
  • Hi, I just sent you a friend request. I am looking for friends on this site also.
  • Hi, I have PCOS too, even though I am in my early 30s, I wasn't diagnosed until about a year and a half ago when I went to see my doctor. My doctor ran some tests and that is when I was diagnosed with PCOS. Probably complaint about having PCOS is the facial hair. Well right now I am shaving about every 2-3 days. I also…
  • I have PCOS also, In the year and a half since I have been diagnosed I have lost about 15 pounds or so. I eat about 1500 to 1700 calories a day. Some things that have helped me is keeping a food log, watching what I eat, not eating too many carbs, not eating a lot of junk food (like chips, sodas, cookies and candy) and…
  • My name is Jenn, i'm a 32 your old female and was diagnosed with PCOS about 1.5 years ago. I was wondering what kinds of foods everyone eats and possibly looking for someone to exchange healthy recipes with.