tammie614 Member


  • i love IF. been doing it for over a year. i do 16/8 have done 18/6 before and have done OMAD a few times. it does get easier im the beginning i wanted to eat my arm. during the work week i drink lots of water and green tea. on weekends or days off i workout i the am and by the time i'm done its time to eat. also, i was…
  • you look AMAZING! i'd settle for your midsection/stomach NOW!! what you've accomplished is no small feat. keep doing what you're doing XO
  • my apologies. i overlooked that part
  • What is your Goal? start by getting some macros and follow those. in order to lose weight you have to be in a calorie deficit. there is no way around that
  • i understand that everyone IS different however, the MFP "Calculator" is totally off, (IMO). 1200 cals is WAY too low for anyone (most people). I use the calculator on IIFYM and I clicked on the link for the TDEE calc above and they were pretty close as far as cals/macros. my maintenance cals (according to the TDEE link…
  • good morning. the bolded above is what i was going to suggest. Also, get some macros and try that. perhaps you need more calories(aren't eating enough). maybe switch to HIIT or LISS cardio. my first go to would be to add resistance training ( i love lifting) :-)
  • fat loss is my goal so for me personally, i do cardio after weights unless its LISS. I found myself getting fatigued if i did full blown cardio before weights. I'd much rather have my energy full blast on my lifts/reps/sets and then save cardio for last.
  • i simply go off what the package says. if its listed in MFP i have a habit of clicking info to make sure. i'm super OCD about my tracking. it can be confusing sometimes if push comes to shove i'll simply make my own listing. :smile:
  • you should definitely track what you are eating. perhaps try changing your fasting hours since you are a night shift person?
  • Daily?!?!!? i seriously didn't know that. i can now breathe a sigh of relief (and continue to drink all the water) :-)
  • i've been doing it since January and i love it. the first 2 weeks were hard because i was stuck on the motto that i HAD to eat within 30 mins. of waking up, eating every 2-3 hours,etc. it was draining. with IF it became second nature for me. i'm the leanest i've ever been . ultimately, it's just a cute way of being in a…
  • i enjoy my cheats. however you need to decide if you are going to have a cheat DAY (24 hours) or a cheat MEAL (one of 2-3 meals you eat per day) big difference. i've had cheat days before and it took about a week to get my body back to normal. cheat meals i enjoy without guilt or regret because they do not do much damage…
  • oye, i've been there before. get Slow FE (Target sells it).
  • it works for me. i do not get triggered when counting calories (macros for me, but the same thing in a sense) i am able to maintain it when i lose the weight (i've lost 145, I have 30 more lbs to go for Goal weight). I DO notice that when i restrict too much i have a tendency to binge. so I've learned to eat ENOUGH…
  • i've taken phentermine before in the past. a holistic doctor i was seeing to break me out of a plateau had prescribed it to me. it worked great for me. i lost some weight but then read about the dangers of it and stopped taking it. it completely halted my appetite , which is key for weight/fat loss.
  • walking lunges get my heartrate up. squat to shoulder press also gets my heartrate up. in between sets do something like jump rope, burpees (argh), mountain climbers, box jumps, or even squat jumps :-)
  • i've been doing it since January and i'm the leanest I've ever been. the first two weeks were harder than preparing for finals though lol but once I got over that hump it became second nature. piggy backing off of @kommodevaran in order to lose weight you do need to be in a calorie deficit and IF is just a "cute way" of…
  • i personally eat more on TD than NTD, naturally due to working out and the "need" to "fuel" my body. i do find myself hungrier on days i do workout/fairly active than when i'm not working out. i try to be mindful of being in a deficit but also not eating "too" little which can cause an issue as well. i notice that can…
  • sadly , i have loose skin. i'm not sure if it can be avoided. some have more than others. i used to work with a woman who had the gastric surgery and has not one inch of loose skin. i used to stare at her like she was extinct. LOL meanwhile my arms/triceps are just ugh!! i've accepted the fact that they may never "tighten…
  • sadly, it's important to me too. i weight myself every morning (due to a habit a friend of mine used to do when she was doing the Dr. Ian Fat Smash Diet...argh). i weight in after i wake up and use the restroom, naked of course LOL. it's important however i know it doesn't tell the whole story and i need to break away from…
  • are you strictly going off of "weight" and the scale? because it's more than that. while the scale doesn't/wont sometimes move i'm wearing a size 8/10 pants and some small shirts. i'm all about fat loss over weight loss. try doing something different with your macros, try carb loading, low carbs on certain days and make…
  • i've had great success with it and when the weight drops i input my new numbers for updated macros
  • calorie deficit results in weight/fat loss (inches that you speak of)..i'd much rather have that as it is way more telling than the number on the scale. i'm aiming for both while staying in a small deficit and lifting weights and doing HIIT
  • couldn't have said it better myself! totally agree. i've lost over 140 lbs. started off at 318 (i think) , now i'm a mere 33 lbs. to my goal weight. was hoping to get to it by my birthday in june but that won't happen so i'm hoping to get to it by the end of Summer/early fall
  • the number of calories you eat/consume
  • i'm going to cut out dairy to see if this will help me with belly fat (in addition to the above mentioned that i'm already doing)
  • i do NOT eat back my calories. i also find that MFP system of giving me calories/macros was innacurate for me. i got macros from IIFYM and even when i did them manually it was pretty much the same so i go off of that. now setting them up in MFP being that i dont have premium took some finagling but i got it to work. i dont…
  • goal for April 2018 - to lose 10 lbs. and see a visible difference in my problem areas (midsection/belly and back fat...oye)
  • wishing you a speedy recovery. i've been benched from working out as well due to passing out twice a few weeks ago. i was told to "chill" until after my echo and stress test which was yesterday. in the interim, i've been eating clean (For the most part) and cutting my cals between 250-500 cals a day. i do add in extra…