Good information. Thanks.
sounds good.
Great job.
Good luck. Feel free to add me :)
Feel free to add me.
Good for you. Stay strong.
Flag Football and Basketball.
Jurassic Park.
I'm a percussionist.
If you're unsure it's it diet related then try charting the barometric pressure for a few weeks. Take notice how you feel when it drops. For me, if it gets below 30mb then a headache might be coming.
Good luck to you. It sounds like you're motivated. You can do it.
I weigh in once a week. I found that it helps me to know if I am staying on track.
Good luck. Feel free to add me.
Yes :)
Maybe you've added a lot of muscle mass.
Running on concrete or asphalt kills my legs. I stick to the treadmill.
Great progress. Keep up the good work.
Please add me. I'm new to this.