

  • I try to shoot for what this program has me at with the target weight I entered. some days are better than others and I also try not to eat the exercise cal. burned off but sometimes I do.
  • carbs are the root of all evils.... I am trying to cut back on them as well as bumping up the protein and vegies. My boss is also a post gastric person and she had a regain too. she is focussing on going wheat free and has actually lost 45 pounds the past couple months. going to foucs on trying the wheat free but rally…
  • Hi, I can understand your feelings on this. I too have lost from the surgey and gained. life issues and struggles lead me to go back into the poor coping skills that landed me in this position my whole life. I know i should have reached out for support sooner than i did but i was ashamed with the regain after surgery and…
  • i hear ya on the good times then bad. I had actually lost 140 pounds but with poor coping skills and life stressors it creeps on little by litte. talk about a creeper... anyway when I am on track and keeping an honest account of food intake and exercise i keep telling myself, one meal at a time, one day at a time and plan…
  • thanks, i will have to also lean how to manage this sight to get the most out of it. one day at a time right?
    in Hello Comment by kimbatwl April 2013