katiebythebay Member


  • Bill, very sorry to hear about your hand. Don't let it stop your progression sweetheart. I hope the move doesn't kill you. It's great you unboxed your monitor. I don't know what I would do without mine - it motivates me almost as much as my MFP friends do. I'll join our newest challenge, if you all don't mind me being a…
  • End of month at work again, for me. How did everyone do with their calories and water? I can only speak for myself, but because of this challenge (and Bill, of course), I'm drinking at least 4 cups a day now by habit. That's four cups of water more than I was drinking before. Thank you guys for pushing me, too. Kathy, I…
  • Tap your heels and spin around three times. Rub the lamp and ..... Throw salt over the left shoulder. Close your eyes real tight and pick a hand.
  • Possibly Meredith Brooks' song....***** or the Eagles "Lyin' Eyes" or "Witchy Woman". But it depends on who you ask and when you ask, lol. ~katie
  • This is an easy question. PASTA....
  • Great progress girl ~ Don't stop there either! Keep the healthy habits up and maintain your size or even go a tiny bit smaller (size 4 is healthy but anything lower may not be because of your height.) It does feel good, doesn't it? Your boyfriend is a sweetheart for being thoughtful and doing that for you. Who knew it…
  • Didn't even realize you were moving until I read one of your posts tonight. I wish you luck. I abhor the moving process but usually it's to a better casa, so it's usually worth the pain and agony. Don't be hard on yourself, just take care to drink your water and stretch a little before moving those boxes. Lift with your…
  • Yep. I remember the very first time I was called ma'am - I was something like 27 or 28 and it was said by a kid who may have been seven or eight. I probably should have been glad he showed good manners, but I was devastated at being "old", lol.
  • /\ This... I log EVERYTHING...
  • Um, winner. This post has to take the cake. That has to be the most absurd thing a doctor can tell a person - a misdiagnosis. Wow, just wow. Sorry you had to go through that. I'm sure it was scary for a bit before you found out the truth.
  • Today I felt extra motivated. I've never drank so much freakin' water in my life, over 8 cups today (do I pass today Bill?) Daily regimen of yoga torture and my work exchange plus cardio. I threw in an extra 13 min of jogging around the lake just for my husband. Looks like you and Margaret are neck and neck and Kathy and I…
  • I used to be one of the people who complained about people in the parking lot too, doing silly things. Then I talked to some people. One co-worker told me about her husband who suffers from severe chronic pain (can't remember the specific name, this was years ago) that shoots up his back and down his leg. Another friend…
  • Wow, you look terrific for being over forty... I'm aiming to look sort of like that, but...it's a tough road. Still have the extra tummy folds for loss weight that I can't seem to get rid of. (Any suggestions would be welcomed.) ~katie
  • WNM - Thanks for seeing that doctor and keeping the appt. Kathy - I second the motion, great challenge, I'm in too! I think I adjust my routine for that kind of regimen calorie burn. Bill, how's it feeling tonight?
  • Seafood...might be your answer. Also, watch your sodium levels. That's an invisible factor which will cause/increase weight gain. (learned the hard way.) ~katie
  • I tried it after being mainly stationary for many, many years. Nearly killed me, the first class. It gets better though. Drink a lot of water and stretch. You should attempt almost anything (that may be good for you) once, just to see if you might like it, as long as you're physically okay to do so (doctor gives the green…
  • WOW, what a difference~ You must be so proud because that is incredible!!!!! Keep it going sweetie pie. ~katie
  • First off, drink lots of water. I mean, anytime they offer drinks, just opt for water, if you can. That's a big step. Secondly, no reason why you can't eat what you want, just portion control it. A little of this and a little of that. If you're going to gorge on something, select something non-fried and non-starchy, like a…
  • Different movie entirely I think. Jennifer Connelly was not in Higher Learning, although Kristy Swanson was in that one. I didn't see the JC/KS movie, just the one scene, which was very hot and heavy (I saw it at a young age.)
  • I agree with Kathy - get it checked out woman!
  • Hey, I've been here but it's coming to the end of month for me again soon...work, work, work. And I've commented on here, but I do it after everyone goes to bed (because they're smarting than me when it comes to sleep). Still working on a decent picture. I don't like self-pics though, so I'm limited. Our challenge ends…
  • Hmmm, so many women to choose from (who'd of thunk it...) Angelina (in her GIA years) Scarlett Johansson (her characters are almost always troubled individuals who are brilliant in the inside) Jennifer Connelly (she did this movie with Kristy Swanson once-all I can say is wow, who knew?) Jessica Biehl (possible, definitely…
  • Agreed, work in some calories burning and treat yourself to a beer or two.
  • You are one determined lady. Hats off to you, I bow down to your stamina. Please, please keep going. Would love to see the future pics for a year's worth of your perseverance!!! Congratulations for your wonderful success~ katie
  • All I have to say is today was difficult. Ate all the no-no's I usually refrain from. We were supposed to go walking in DC again but my teenage daughter didn't finish her homework in time, so no exercise for me today. I'll get back on track (hopefully) tomorrow with that trip on the Mall. Today was my "off" day.
  • Traveling? Where'd you go Kathy? Sounds interesting.
  • I understand, just don't want you to skip eating, that's all. Just concerned. :heart:
  • You purposely didn't eat today? That's not good. You've been kicking butt on the exercise routine from the start but don't neglect nutrition. (Bad Bill, bad bad bad) *shaking my finger at you*
  • Okay, take that back. I've been drinking water like a fish (do they drink it or breathe it?) Sodium levels, I've cut them way down but some days are difficult. Trying. :ohwell:
  • That's pretty damn cool Bill. My only skin transgression is a tongue ring.