Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Thanks for the very detailed reply-- love the physiology! I've studied some science, and I get how the body works, but I still have problems hitting the marks for myself. But, you've brought up good points that I can think about objectively, and hopefully take into account with my own plan. And I appreciate the literature!…
Thanks for the replies, everyone! Much appreciated!
Obviously, I know this is a guideline tool... but I'm really missing the mark on my sugars. I've adjusted my yogurt to low sugar (2% organic, no fruit juices added) and to whole grains. I'm more aware, I guess that's the first step.
Happiness = true beauty. I'm glad you found your way. It really sounds like you love yourself, and that's what anyone needs to do when transitioning into a healthier lifestyle. You look incredible, and your attitude is simply inspiring. Thanks for sharing your story, and all the best <3 Peace. Love. Happiness