luckyblueeye Member


  • Eggs? I love, love eating steamed/boiled eggs. If you need the calories, keep the yolk. I personally hate that part so my calories are very low, but protein is high!
  • January didn't happen for me...I gave up trying hard enough and stalled. I'm in for a 3 lbs loss by the end of this month.
  • A food scale is a great idea! I've had an Escali scale from amazon for years and it's really nice! I use it mainly for my baking needs but it works great for checking my portions too. It's amazing how quickly things add up...I was thinking that I only ate about 2 oz of chicken in my salad...once I measured it I knew that 2…
  • Thank you SO much for your reply! Yes, major scarring incision didn't heal for 6 months. I had a c-section with my 3rd baby and in my case it was a piece of cake...I was mopping floors 6 days later. But with my 4th, I had a life threatening condition called placenta accreta and my placenta grew through my…
  • What are the benefits of your tummy tuck that you see? Did they not tighten the abs during the surgery? I'm beyond miserable how my belly looks. Almost 2 years ago I had an emergency cesarean hysterectomy which gutted me (5 hr surgery) and when they put me back together, I got left with awful amounts of scar tissue, an…
  • Weigh in day for me, down 1 lbs since last week :) This is 4 lbs in 4 weeks since I restarted! My January goal is still 2 lbs away which might/might not happen...I will keep running and logging and making good choices when eating. Good luck everyone!
  • Hey, new friend here :) I'm 41, stay at home Mom to 4 kids (9,8,3.5 & 1.5). I'm 5'7" and 136 lbs. Goal is to stay between 128-130. I've also done tracking in MFP numerous times but I'm new to this group.
  • Don't give up! Today is my day #22 and I'm finally seeing a difference. I converted your weight in lbs as stones don't tell anything ;) So you are about 140 lbs and goal is 126 lbs? Very close to my situation. I'm 5 ft 7" (170 cm) and 126 lbs was always where I felt comfortable. Then.....I got older, had 4 kids...and now…
  • Yay! Check in day and I finally dropped! I can start to see the changes (day #22 for me) around my hips and legs :) Last week's weigh was a bummer as I stayed at the same number, but today was 1.5 lbs lower (137.5 vs 136). My Jan goal of 133 will take some hard work! Good luck ladies!
  • I use "Jillian therapy" also ;)
  • Check in day for me, no good news :( I'm usually not a bread eater but I got a little too happy about sour bread during the last week...which requires a decent amount of "I can't believe it's not butter on top" not like me. I feel bloated. No gain, no loss. Increasing my water intake and will keep running the same 2…
  • Amazing jellybird! sometimes chasing after little ones in our forties is exercise in itself ;)
  • Sounds good!! I include my kids if I can....they do sit ups next to me and jumping jacks are their favorite :)
  • Thanks bikinibottom :) Yeah, 4 is a lot, but they also entertain each other well (and can be SO loud, haha). I have also noticed that the running gives me more patience with them....I get my run and they get a nice Mom :)
  • Yep, 41 with a 20 month old (and 3.5, 8 and 9 year old). My last pregnancy wrecked me! It was very high risk and I ended up with a hysterectomy...which changed my metabolism. The surgery also left me with massive scar tissue and some problems that might need to be fixed later (I have bulges that make my stomach stick out…
  • Jelly belly here too! At 41 this is my problem area...but I WILL fix it this year :) My 4th baby is 20 months old so no more excuses!
  • I'm in! I'm on day #12...a little late to join, I just found this group. CW was 137 on Tuesday and goal is 133 by the end of January. Ultimate goal high 120's. I'm 41 and always stayed around 126-128 until my 4th pregnancy which resulted in a hysterectomy...I feel like I could eat an apple a day and still gain!
  • I also have 3 of her DVDs...and I would start with 30 Day Shred. It's much harder than I thought it would be, and you can always increase your weights and step it up to a harder level. This is probably my 5th or 6th time doing will see results within your first week as long as you eat right and really give it…