madowski Member


  • "your past is determined; your future is free choice"-- Don't "beat yourself up" for the bad days and move forward back onto your plan....We are humans and will have those days where we just lose it. But, remember that YOU are important; thus, dust yourself off and get back on to being healthy.
  • thanks for posting! Instead of making lots of low-sugar; sugar free apricot jam this year, I think I will experiment with canning them as I have a tree and get bombarded with apricots every year!
  • Add me! I am here to stay and have lots to lose on my journey to a healthier lifestyle! I'd love to join you in your journey as well!
  • well, I know what you are going through-- though I am just beginning my "real" climb back to where I was.... I lost over 70 pounds in 1999- and gained it all back. Now, I have begun the journey back to 1999's weight and hopefully- beyond! I am tired of this body!!!! I want to be fit.....Not skinny- just fit!
  • Please don't teach your kids about healthy eating by counting calories. You can educate them about the kinds of foods they are eating and what is in them; how to cook or make (for a 6 year old) healthy snacks; healthy eating patterns (the rainbow plate concept is good or the USDA charts- lots of free resources on line),…
  • I would like to join. I didn't put "challenge" in the box when you sent me a friend request. But I am happy to join a group.
  • Yes, one day at a time; though I shorten that to one moment at a time! Health issues can really get in the way of weight loss and healthiness! I am glad that your doctors have released you to begin exercising. I am pushing my body to get back to pre-accident abilities like swimming every day instead of every other day. I…
    in Intro Comment by madowski April 2013