

  • Hard liquor like rum, tequila, and vodka have less carbs and calories. You could have a dt. coke and rum.
  • I don't know where I got the 1200 from.....I rechecked after I read your post. I had 883 calories and 18 carbs left. :blushing: I had 2 oz of almonds and 1 oz walnut and it got rid of the message that my body may go into starvation mode. I do run 3-5 days a week. 3-4 miles on 3 days and 5-6 miles 1-2 days. I read you…
  • I think I answered my own question 7 oz of almonds @ 170 calories = 1190 cal. Carbs = 18 if I subtract out the fiber. As promoted by my weight loss program:smile:
  • I think she filled up with water before the weigh-in. Some 4-Hers would do that to their sheep to make sure they made weight. The sheep got the runs after the weigh-in. So she didn't add calories just weight. Not sure about the husband.