roni79 Member


  • Those classes are subject to the instructors as far as intensity/ Cal burn. I burn 300 in body pump. I link Mfp for food logging but log all my workouts via Fitbit. Fitbit estimations are waaaaayyyyy more accurate for me and my workouts.
  • And also mine matches the data for my hrm fairly closely too so I use my flex. Just make sure you log the right activity and don't leave it on walking or running when your in a workout class.
  • The flex includes your bmr ( the calories you burn just being, well, alive) for me that's 1600 a day right there. Also though, you should go on the site and make sure calorie estimation is turned off and that you have it set for your non dominate hand / dominate hand. Wearing it on non dominant is most accurate. The…
  • Done! 15lbs and 13inches gone. I want to keep going but I hate the meal plan. I need more options on I can't go on. I liked the cleanse eating plan way better with more healthy carbs and fruit in the day. My stomach needs the fruit too I feel. I lost all of my weight in cleanse phase but four pounds. Suggestions?
  • Same, didn't do anything for the grab and go stuff though i may get the breakfast shakes 'cause its hard for me to eat breakfast. (even though this program has me waking up with an appetite for once - i just cant eat right away without being grossed out in the morning). Im learning how to combine the best food options and…
  • if you eat under 1200 your body will turn what you eat right into FAT - even if it is all veggies and healthy stuff. Maybe you can try to eat healthy things with more calories like fiber packed fruit (bananas, apples, pears) with peanut butter as a healthy fat. And full fat greek yogurts should help. What about carbs what…
  • Day 2 and loving it! Loads of energy and always full. I hate fad diets and I think motivation, self control and accountability get you where you need to be. My Chiropractor sells this product in her office (they don't push it there - they do a group challenge once in while that there is a flyer for but that is it - I had…
  • Way to go! You look awesome! My Chiropractor was telling me about this Wed - It was her last day and she lost around 21 pounds. Was it very expensive? I finish a Biggest Loser with friends next Tuesday (down about 13.5 in 9 weeks). Obviously my loss has slowed and I am looking for a new motivator. I am thinking of trying…
  • One of two things are going on - You may be gaining muscle! Try measuring yourself once a month or every two weeks. If you are gaining muscle you will be losing inches instead!!!! The only other reasone is if you are not eating enough calories for your reved up workout routines. If that is the case, your body may be…
  • Try fiber! Think apples, pears, oatmeal. And drink tons of water. May help to drink a glass of water before you eat, too. The extra exercise can be making you dehydrated and you can mistake that for hunger, too. The longer you eat well the less you will crave bad foods. Plus if you are excersing more you need to eat a bit…