

  • I had solid weight loss everyday for months, lost .5kg a week consistently. Thats the only reason I am worried about being stuck for two weeks. I guess chirstmas and New Year were in there as well. But the past week I have been eating <1000cal because it has been so hot and my appetite has dissapeared. Anyway enough…
  • Salads are a wonderful option for lunches. They can be different everyday so they are great if you get bored easily. I try my best to always have a bit of protein in my salads. I am a huge fan of tuna and chicken. A boiled egg is a good addition to a salad. Dinners should be small and light - I am a terrible cook so I have…
  • Its so much easier if you have plan that has worked in the past! Best of luck xx
  • Lol everyones journey is different! Be proud that you are shifting that fat *kitten* :)
  • Height / Age: 163cm/20 SW: 67.6 CW: 63.6 GW1: 60 GW2: 57 UGW:55 I was so happy to see 63KG on the scales Christmas Morning but all that ham and turkey has ruined it. Currently at 26.8% Body Fat. I dont know what I was before as I only just got my new scales.
  • Hello :) I have just started with MFP. I have lost 4kg since Nov 2012 so its a steady 0.5kgs a week. I have another 8.6kgs to go. SW: 67.6 CW: 63.6 GW1: 60 GW2: 57 UGW: 55 I am gluten and lactose intolerant so I have no dairy and very little bread/pasta in my diet. I eat every three hours but each meal is quite small. 6AM…