

  • adorable! That looks like my Ladybug :( I sure do miss that girl.
  • How did it go? What happened and did you get any pics?
  • Ladybug hasn't come home yet. It has been more than two weeks now. We still haven't seen her dead on the side of the road, so I am glad about that. I still have some hope that she may show up some day. Maybe someone took her in and she will sneak out sometime and come home. I just need to have a cat in the house, so we…
  • Thanks for the wishes for us to find Ladybug. I haven't given up yet. I will keep you posted. I love hearing about cats. They are so much fun! One of my favorite things about Ladybug is that she adores my husband. His pants are on the floor by the bed where he takes them off and she sleeps in them. It is so cute. She will…
  • I have a Bengal, which at the moment is missing. Her name is Ladybug. I miss her so much. We are hoping she will find her way home or that someone has taken her in and will see our ad in the paper or posted around our small town. She is so cute and she absolutely adores my husband. He was not a cat person, but she sure won…
  • How did it go? Did you get any pics??
  • I would like to know the best way to log this too. Anyone??
  • I agree with this advice. A great dress and some fabulous shoes. Then be sure to tell us about the look on her face. We are living vicariously through you!
  • I think the Curves program is great. I did it and felt great and lost lots of inches. I recommend it. I even worked there, but quit for work related reasons, not because I didn't think it was a great plan. Unfortunately, it is not in a location that works for me to go anymore. Too much money in gas just to get there!
    in Curves? Comment by maurakl January 2013