hellsbells999 Member


  • Hiya, my main exercise is videos in the comfort of my own home!! I LOVE the Ministry of Sound 'Pump it Up' workout, its dance music, which I love and it feels like fun, plus it is a really good workout, its about 75 mins if you do it all but it is in sections, warm up which is ten mins then 2 20 min cardio workout which…
  • Hiya I am the same as you I mainly work out at home because it is free!! I try to swap around a bit so I dont get bored, I have done enviga 30 minute bootcamp calorie burner from youtube, jillian micheals 30 day shred (part 1) from youtube, I have also got ministry of sound pump it up video, that is great fun and a hard…
  • Hi all, The whole sizing thing is a joke, I have been buying some midway clothes on ebay to tide me over till I get to my target and the sizes are sooooooo out!! I was gonna say can't we have measures in inches like men but it seems even thats not worth having!! I guess I shall just stay in leggings until I reach my target…
  • Hiya!! I am no fitness expert but am also looking for more friends. I started MFP a couple of months ago and have lost 20lb :-) (and thats even with cheating nearly every weekend LOL)!! I have got about half a stone till I'm within a healthy BMI (Target 11 stone, Im 5'7) but might well continue a bit more after that as…